The New Christendom Daily
The Mike Church Show
Will Trump Be Able To Evict Biden's Invasion Force!?

Will Trump Be Able To Evict Biden's Invasion Force!?

The Mike Church Show Episode 1938


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Donald Trump in Las Vegas Nevada

  • He was only 10 minutes late, the crowd was there 3 hours early just to get in.

  • The line of people waiting was as long as the illegal lines of people trying to get into the US.

  • Even if he is re-elected, lets pretend for a moment the cabal allows all votes to be counted and he wins, what are the chances he will be successful in evicting the illegals that have come across under Biden?

  • Serious question.

  • We all know how difficult it is to find them once they get here.

  • If someone doesn’t want to be found, will they actually be found?

  • 630,000 were flown by Treason Air and that took 9 months.

  • If you had to fly them all out, reversing Treason Air is 160 months.

  • Houston we have a problem.

Dr Phil Interviewed Trump -

  • He showed the map to Trump of the CCP buying up ‘farm land’.

  • Just looking at the amount of property should be alarming but when you add the layer of our Military bases on top, you find all this ‘farm land’ is very close to our major military bases.

  • Why are they purchasing that land in particular?

  • He asked Trump this question and he didn’t really give him an answer.

HEADLINE: Chinese Companies Keep Buying U.S. Land Near Military Bases by Robbie Gramer

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HEADLINE: Gen Z Plumbers and Construction Workers Are Making #BlueCollar Cool by Te-Ping Chen

  • They aren’t influencers like say the Kardashians.

  • They film themselves doing normal day jobs.

  • So we have reverted back to people doing normal tasks has become an amazing thing to ‘watch’ by the average American.

  • I find this interesting, you could find some positive aspect of this too.

  • At least some youths aren’t interested in having their brains filled full of socialism that they know they’d get at University.

  • Laurie Calhoun - Church Doctrine - she thinks the University system is circling the drain.

  • She basically said this thing is now going for them.

  • It works for THEM and it only works for them, the tenured professors.

  • It isn’t working for the students attending.

  • It is a massive echo chamber in other words.

Thus ends the PREVIEW Audio|Transcript|Links to All Media from Today’s Mike Church Show. To get the entire 3 Hour Radio Show, Transcript and links to everything Mike Discussed, delivered to your email box, use the SUBSCRIBE NOW Button Below! 

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