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Celia and other have done great work here. We should always assume that there are plenty of feds in any movement - we saw it on 1/6 and we saw it with the fake kidnapping plot in MI. It’s pretty much in the globalist playbook at this point. Maybe it always was.

Think about the potential US Freedom Convoy that everyone is taking about. We know there are leaders but we have to assume the government has already infiltrated this group and will have many “truckers” that are plants. Most likely they will have some Nazi flags, Confederate flags (not an issue for most normal Americans but we know how the MSM loves them). My guess is they will create some violence as well - Brandon needs to say these folks are “insurgents” as well.

I’m worried - as I know you are - that this is just an opportunity for Brandon and the deep state to implement the same financial actions they did in Canada. We know Canada is a test and so far Fidel Trudeau hasn’t gotten enough pushback. He will go after his political enemies just as the (D)s and the Vichy GOP have already done.

This is going to get even more serious and could be an endgame for the WEF crowd. Diligence is vital and even with the infiltration we still need a massive liberty movement.

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