BJ Dichter & The Canadian Freedom Convoy's Ray Epps
We’re dealing with something that’s more Screw Tape Letter than Psy-Op, Folks
I follow Celia Farber on Substack, she’s a fine journalist who’s been onto the Fraudci’s since the 1990’s. Today I received an URGENT alert message that contained “Part I of II”; when I finally finished watching Vladimir Putin’s presser I had time to read Celia’s Part II and Boy Howdy is it URGENT. Here’s the view from the nickel seats: the “organized spokespeople” part of the Canadian Freedom Convoy was populated by posers including the cowardly B.J. Dichter, a man who I described as a “burly, Canadian looking trucker-dude” in the 1 video clip of the “spoke-people” press conference I played on-air.
Listeners will recall my praise for the message they framed BUT, I mused, “something isn’t right about the last 5 minutes…I heard resignation or a lack of commitment in their answers to the questioners.”
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Well, Hells Bells.
My Spidey Sense was correct and I shouldda followed it. Turns out ol’ BJ is a Masonic sodomite apologist, pretending to be Kennedy Hall and he isn’t alone. I am reposting some of Celia’s very lengthy post, its important that you read the whole thing to get proper context. You will see that what I’ve written and talked about lately i.e. the masonic Cabal’s, lethal and sadistic manipulation of the CoronaDoom™ is made even more credible by what you’re about to read from Celia.
NOTA BENE: This reveal does NOT undo the Freedom Convoy’s Reality (us) vs Virtual (the Cult of Death Cabal), reveals. I bolded some important passages to make sure you see them. Celia…
What follows is an interview with Paul Bell, former Toronto Municipal candidate. I’ve known Paul from Facebook over the years, admired his political writings, and spoken to him on the phone a few times in the past. He sent me a PM on Feb. 16 telling me he had direct knowledge of one of the so-called spokespersons for the Ottawa Freedom Convoy, Benjamin Dichter, and needed urgently to speak to me. Over the weekend, Dichter fled Ottawa, and his corruptness is no longer a story we can “break” here, but we can dig deeper, and learn something about infiltrators and their patterns.
Here’s what Paul told me, about B.J. Dichter, and so much more.
Recorded on Feb. 16, 2022
Q: Let’s first identify the individual we are talking about, who you have history with.
Paul: His name is Benjamin Dichter, he goes mostly by “B.J.” Other key people are Karim Jivrav, and Mawube Hargoe. It’s fair to say BJ was the ringleader.I first encountered him in 2014, when he was running for Toronto City Council in downtown, against leftist Kristin Wong-Tam, who has incredible power in Toronto. It was the 2014 municipal election. I was a candidate in North York. I was Rob Ford’s candidate— former Mayor of Toronto. I was running on his banner in North York so there were a lot of people who wanted access to Rob. It was something I dealt with on a daily basis and it was never a problem. Rob was a very accessible guy. I would actually be able to say to people look if you want to talk to the Mayor, call him on his fridge magnet number, he will call you back. And he did. He was a one of a kind politician in the history of the planet. The guy was just a gem. Of course they had to destroy him.
A: Yes, of course they had to. Ok, so tell me about meeting Dichter.
Paul: So, In 2014, I was invited went to attend a debate at the Masonic Temple with Dichter and Wong-Tam. I remember I liked all the notes he was sounding, and we agreed to meet and talk. He calls me up, tells me he has an event at Woody’s, a gay bar in the village in Toronto. He was a fish out of water. He was a spokesman for LGBTory which was a faction of the Progressive Conservative party. In other words, he founded an identity politics organization. (Note: He told Jordan Peterson he has never had anything to do with identity politics.)
So, I’m seeing my friends, I’m dancing, I’m saying to B.J. “Come on dance, for God’s sake, it’s the Pet Shop Boys.”
Q: Tell me about the others.
A: I really never had a problem with Karim, he actually spilled the beans for me. He was a little drunk at a Christmas party. What he was trying to do, BJ, was infiltrate into the party. He was dishonest. He’s not a trucker, he was running a printing company. I’ve been dying to tell this to somebody who might be able to do something with it. These are dangerous people.I think BJ's being protected. I think the ones who are being named are the patsies. I think FOX, and whoever else is interviewing Dichter, is being hoodwinked. I was hoodwinked by the guy.
There was a period of time when he and his gang decided to turn on me, started doxxing me and what have you. They started recording all their phone calls with me, and then they would splice and edit the content so that it would sound like I was saying things I would never say. And then they were creating fake imposter pages on social media of me, on social media sites I didn’t even know existed. And then also sending links to all of these broadcasts that they created, to prominent conservatives and people in government and influential people. In 2015, I did try to alert the police—they wouldn’t touch it.
I had never wanted to be a lawmaker. I was told if I were considering that, don’t do it, there’s no way the leader will take you now, not after this. It’s all what they did.
All I can say by way of proof is that Karim admitted it to me. BJ ran under Harper. When he ran, he was the replacement candidate. Because somehow the original candidate…there was some old video that emerged from when he was a teenager, that made it seem he was making fun of developmentally challenged people. He was punted as candidate and then Benjamin stepped in.Q: Is this guy is some kind of Canadian intelligence operative, do you think?
A: I do. Now you got it. He’s Ray Epps.
Q: Perfect analogy.
A: This whole idea that this is about what the trucker-organizers want.. Who gives a fat rat’s ass? The Charter is what’s at stake here.
Q: Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Jordan Peterson and Mikhaila Peterson are some of the interviews I’ve seen.
A: He’s everywhere. This is why I think the movement is in danger. The whole thing is controlled opposition. I’m not alone in thinking this thing is all a Charter scam from the beginning… the “Plandemic,” whatever people want to nickname it. It’s deadly serious when you’re taking our rights and thinking that they belong to the government, not to the individual. And that’s what’s happened. That’s the narrative that’s been spun. You get people complaining, complaining and the government refuses to listen. The political class and the media. Before we continue, let me state this: The movement itself is organic, genuine, and sincere. Now I want to detail what I see as the planned elements.
My first trigger was: Why did these truckers who drive $250,000 work vehicles, who object to this, who drive as a convoy to Ottawa, that makes sense, but why the hell would they need BJ Dichter’s handouts and GoFundMe? These are not Antifa thugs that are protesting. The GoFundMe angle, it was immediately weird.
‘Membah me telling you on the radio show that the GoFundMe thing stank from the get-go and something wasn’t right about it!?
Here’s a closing thought: is the whole “we will follow up on all the protestors…this’ll go on for months…” bluster from Ottawa’s new Police Chief part of an act? ‘Membah I told you that I looked Deputy Chief Steve Bell up and that “he’s a 30 year vet, worked his way up from beat cop to Deputy Inspector” and that his “Burgemeister like statements this weekend “don’t match what veteran COPS talk like and ‘who got to him?’ HOW’D they get to him!?” If Celia’s onto something with her friend Paul Bell, the ability of the Cabal to manipulate ANY situation to their advantage, just advanced and helps confirm my contention all along that a single, preternaturally brilliant intellect is guiding this whole epoch and has been since Des Cartes.
What does that and the BJ Dichter infiltration mean? We’re dealing with something that’s more Screw Tape Letter than Psy-op. So what to do!? Why of course, Back The Blue!
Celia and other have done great work here. We should always assume that there are plenty of feds in any movement - we saw it on 1/6 and we saw it with the fake kidnapping plot in MI. It’s pretty much in the globalist playbook at this point. Maybe it always was.
Think about the potential US Freedom Convoy that everyone is taking about. We know there are leaders but we have to assume the government has already infiltrated this group and will have many “truckers” that are plants. Most likely they will have some Nazi flags, Confederate flags (not an issue for most normal Americans but we know how the MSM loves them). My guess is they will create some violence as well - Brandon needs to say these folks are “insurgents” as well.
I’m worried - as I know you are - that this is just an opportunity for Brandon and the deep state to implement the same financial actions they did in Canada. We know Canada is a test and so far Fidel Trudeau hasn’t gotten enough pushback. He will go after his political enemies just as the (D)s and the Vichy GOP have already done.
This is going to get even more serious and could be an endgame for the WEF crowd. Diligence is vital and even with the infiltration we still need a massive liberty movement.