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Teresa, I say several St Michael prayers before every broadcast! People need to know that this depravity happened LEGALLY in a RED STATE, Georgia, and was made possible by a "Christian adoption service". The masonic grip on nearly every public institution in 'Muricah must be made known and courageously opposed.

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I read the Townhall series and I am so angry. I was thinking of calling the show on Free Phone Free Farm Friday but then thought, this will be yesterday's topic and who cares what I think anyway. I do just want to say that we should call them what they are, not what they want to be called. They are destroyers of children and not to be trusted around them. Even the most benign members of the alphabet group are a danger to children if only by the example of saying it's okay to give in to disordered behaviour. Those two boys have been scarred for life by these two monsters who showed more concern about the forfeiture of their house and cars. Yet even though it almost pains me to do so, I will pray for their conversion and repentance through the Sacraments of Holy Mother Church so that they may one day reach the Beatific Vision. This does not mean that I don't think that they should pay dearly for their heinous actions here on earth.

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Linda, that's the CATHOLIC thing to do. In the published convo's they never once asked about the health of the boys, where the were etc but instead played Fantasy Island (and the new version of Bravo would do this) where they are liberated & put back together as one, big, pederast loving and practicing "family".

'Membah in the LOTR movie when the giant spider has Frodo & Samwise Gamchee draws his sword at him and yells "get away from him you FILTH!"?

Yeah. We need an army of Samwise Gamchees.

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Indeed we do Mitter Churr. Filth is exactly what these people are and right now, my anger is white hot that this is allowed and, that you and Townhall are the only ones reporting on it. I mean there were reports by the Presstitute media when the arrests were made, but since then crickets. Their consciences must be quite dead. There's something to be said for the justice these two would face in the time of St. King Louis ix.

Mary's Dowry

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I just want to add that I'm subscriber to your radio station and proud to be so. I must thank you and Maggie O'Connell for all the work you do. If I was not so old (60), I would ask to apprentice with you. I'm disabled and on a tight income so I can't contribute too much monaterally, however if there's some other way to assist you I would happily do so. (I do tell people that they should check you out).

Anyway, you're the only media outlet to cover stories like this. I'm tired of not speaking up because of being afraid of reprisals and you give me the courage to start to conquer that fear.

Mary's Dowry

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Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023Author

You'd be a perfect intern, we're the SAME age!! God bless, and Our Lady of Walsingham keep you, Linda!

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