“[O]ur policies, whether they are diversity, inclusion, and equity, whether they’re about transgender individuals who qualify, physically and mentally, to service, to be able to do it with dignity, or whether it is about female service members – one in five – or female family members being able to count on the1 [abortions]… that they need to serve, that is a foundational sacred obligation of military leaders across the river[.]” - White House High Priest of Child Sacrifice, John Kirby
Ah, so now I see! In order to eliminate the few fertile, willing to breed females that remain in ‘Muricah, let’s lure them into the military, conscript them to combat, then before they can populate the next generation, as a “tribute”, have them kill their soon to be born so that they can go and, now sterilized (at least for a while), be killed too. What an awesome population control scheme! Now thousands of near-homo, potential sperm donors can enter “This man’s Tinder (formally Army)” with no fear of any obligation to anyone other than themselves and Jergens Lotion ever coming between them and Pornhub!
If that’s not a mantra and country worth dying for in, me and Emperor Tiberius don’t know what is! If Biden remains as Coup Leader In Chief beyond 2024, I imagine the army’s “sacred obligation” will expand to providing the newly formed Gay Berets, 10 year old boy/concubines. Hey, bigot, ‘membah “combat readiness” and “national security” are all that matters here in New Pompeii or is it New St Pierre or New Port Royal? Wait, you don’t know about the sodomite pederast flag waving former civilizations of Pompeii, St Pierre or Port Royal!? Watch this video for a 30 minute crash course and by the end you’ll be left wondering whether San Francisco or New York is going to see:
“the earth opened and swallowed up people before my face.… The sea swallowed up the greatest part of that wretched sinful place.…”
No, that’s not a passage from Numbers of The Book of Kings, it’s an eyewitness account of what happened at the New Sodom that was Front Royal Jamaica in 1692. More on that later. Dr. Adrian Gaty, a pediatrician who actually believes children are to have their cuts dressed and healed and not inflicted upon them their sex organs, has a most stunning, eye opening piece out at The Federalist, titled Our Cultural Degeneracy Is Actually A Return To Normalcy - Before the spread of Christianity, the world was a veritable Epstein Archipelago. From Gaty:
"Consider that the most successful ancient cultures were so unspeakably degenerate by Christian standards that the 19th-century archaeologists who dug them up had to shovel that dirt right back and cover up their discoveries to avoid corrupting any tourists. It was not until the 21st century, for instance, that the full extent of Pompeii’s perpetual pride festivities was finally made public — a reflection not of our era’s open-minded dedication to scientific inquiry but of the sad fact that after a century of secular humanism, there was nobody left to shock.
In Pompeii, depictions of pedophilia, rape, and bestiality were a part of daily life, and its art celebrated the “blurred boundaries” between sexes and species. As the Smithsonian puts it, graphic depictions of sex were not sequestered in red light districts but celebrated by the culture at large: “At a time when polytheism, not Christianity, was the norm, sexual pleasure — embraced proudly by the very gods the Romans worshipped — was cause for celebration.” I bet they even had parades.
If this depravity sounds more like your local public school than an ancient ruin, you are starting to get the picture. If it’s a picture you don’t like, then it is imperative to understand how your elevated morality emerged from the debased practices of the ancient world. There is only one answer, and it involves the displacement of those polytheistic perverts by radical Christian revolutionaries. Yes, today we have Epstein Island. Before the spread of Christianity, however, the world was a veritable Epstein Archipelago. And until God humbled Himself on the cross, every month was pride month. - Emphasis mine.
Gaty’s just getting warmed up and so am I. In researching this Substack I found that the entire world, outside of maybe the Machabee clan, the great figures of St Matthew’s ancestry and St. Luke’s immediate human subjects (St Anne, Elizabeth et al), before Christ, were sexually depraved perverts living very 21st century, depraved, ‘Murica-esque lives that include now the open inclusion of children in all things sexual.
Should you schedule a vacation and decide to visit the excavated, Epstein Island shamed ruins of Pompeii this summer, the city wants you to know that they have prepared tour guides to show the little ones this (below) AND explain it to them.

But don’t let this 2,000 year old premonition of Pete Buttigieg bother you or the kids! The Pompeii tour guides can explain and make this “erotic art”, “normal” (we’re the bigot weirdoes you see).
Furthermore, a guide for children, I Centauri di Pompei signed by the director with drawings by Daniela Pergreffi, aims to explain a "difficult" theme to the little ones, following in the footsteps of the centaur Mares in search of a female centaur. In addition to enjoying the exhibition itinerary, along the story, small and large readers will meet a series of central figures of the ancient myth, from Narcissus to Dionysus (see above) and Ariadne.
As Gaty explains it, the Pompeii excavations are so depraved that their 19th centuyry discoverer had them covered and sealed so the world would never be exposed (no pun intended) to or be tempted to see pre-Christian humanity in all it’s wretched sin. This depravity, however, is or has been on display in various forms in nearly every children’s public school library in the land; is promoted through (among zillions of other venues & media) “Drag Queen Story Hours”; multi-million dollar TV series on e.g. Pornflix and Hoetime and now plainly, in broad daylight, the rainbow crosswalks and streets of New York, San Francisco and Toronto during “pride parades”.
But why does the title to this report include the word “Smote” and then “Pompeii”? Simple, though not reported in many history books these days, it was generally accepted at the time Pompeii was destroyed that it was God’s handiwork against another “Sodom and Gomorrah”. Father Joe, a Russian Orthodox priest, writes of Pompeii on his Substack…
Pompeii and nearby Herculaneum were the Sodom & Gomorrah of Rome. Even surpassing the debauchery found elsewhere, Pompeii is the only part of the empire where archaeologists have unearthed graphic depictions of lesbian activity.
They also uncovered numerous images of threesomes, foursomes, pedophilia, bestiality, and male homosexual encounters. A town of 12,000 inhabitants, Pompeii had at least 25 brothels. Other Roman cities had prostitutes and explicit art, but none more debased than those discovered in Pompeii.
In an article titled, Pompeii: Echoes of Sodom and Gomorrah, a popular archaeological journal describes the debauchery of Pompeii and Herculaneum: “Not only were the cities full of sexually explicit art—frescoes, inscriptions, statues (and thousands of examples of etched graffiti)—even everyday household items were designed to resemble genitalia—oil lamps, wind chimes, charms, animal figurines. The phallus, the de facto symbol of Pompeii, was used as a ‘good luck’ charm and could be found literally everywhere—in all sorts of obscene forms. . . . Graffiti attests to homosexuality and even to child-rape.”
We are NEVER told the correct story of Pompeii, an infamous part of Italy, which was destroyed at about the same time that St John would write his Gospels and St Peter would declare Rome “the Eternal City”, coincidence? God doesn’t believe in them and neither should you.
“But wait, Mitter KingDude, that was 2,000 years ago and God has “progressed” and gotten out of the Smote’n business, c’mon, bigot!”
Again, we have been deprived of the true history of homosexuality and depravity being proximate cancers to former Christendom; behold, Port Royal, Jamaica, 1692. Once More, from Father Joe (and in Fr. Wolfe’s sermon you can listen to at the end of this long, boring report, get excited!).
Universally known as the “Sodom of the Caribbean”, Port Royal was also called “the richest and wickedest city in the world,” and “the Sodom of the New World.” As recounted by WND, Port Royal surpassed Boston as England’s most prosperous New World settlement, and it had drinking, gaming houses, slave trading, brothels, taverns, and grog shops. With more bars and brothels per square foot than anywhere else in the Caribbean, the city attracted “pirates, cutthroats, whores and some of the vilest persons in the whole of the world.”
Suddenly, on June 7, 1692, an earthquake and tsunami sank Port Royal under the sea, followed by violent aftershocks. Over 2,000 drowned. Graves were opened and bodies washed about. There was one survivor.
Eyewitness Rev. Emmanuel Heath, the Anglican rector for Port Royal, had finished his morning prayer service at St Paul’s Church and was meeting with John White, president of the island’s council, when the floor began “rowling and moving” and they “heard the church and tower fall.” Rev. Heath wrote:
“Port Royal was terribly destroyed by an earthquake and breaking in of the sea upon it. The destruction was sudden… in four minutes multitudes were killed by the falling houses.… I believe I never in my life saw such a terror… the earth opened and swallowed up people before my face.… The sea swallowed up the greatest part of that wretched sinful place.… They are so wicked, I fear God… will utterly destroy all by this dreadful Judgment.… By this terrible judgment, God will make them reform their lives, for there was not a more ungodly people on the face of the earth.”

God will not be mocked. Note that he spared a similar fate to the Aztecs because of the intervention of the Blessed Virgin Mary and her appearance as Our Lady of Guadalupe but Mexico, aping their northern pervert brethren (that’s us) is well on its way to becoming a Pompeii or a Port Royal and there are ample oceans, fault lines and volcanoes to bring it about. Think that’s an exaggeration? Our tour of recent Sodom and Gomorrah’s isn’t complete without the very recent, 1902, tale of the annihilation of Martinique’s St Pierre. Once more I quote Father Joe.
On May 8th, 1902, the volcano erupted with a deadly pyroclastic flow. It would only take three minutes for the superheated cloud of hot gas and volcanic matter to reach the city of St. Pierre. Temperatures were hot enough to melt gold coins and glass. Buildings exploded, people were incinerated, and others suffocated. Sailors witnessed the people running in different directions, scattering in panic, then falling when the smoke hit. St Pierre, the “Paris of the Caribbean” and all 30,000 of its inhabitants save 2, were dead.
Edward William Freeman, Captain of the Roddam, anchored in full view of the blazing city of St. Pierre on the day of the explosion, provided this eyewitness account:
There came a sudden roar that shook the earth and the sea. The mountain uplifted, blew out, was rent in twain from top to bottom. From the vast chasm there belched up high into the sky a column of flashing flame, and a great black pillar of cloud. That was all—just the one big roar of the shattering explosion, one flare, and then the cloud, shooting out from the rent, rushing down mountain-side on to the doomed city. It came down like a tornado, destroying everything as it passed, spreading out fan-wise as it neared the bottom—clearing the lower hills, it sprang upon St. Pierre, where the people were hurrying to mass, enveloping every street in darkness and in dust, in an instant—and then sweeping, leaping on down upon the shipping in the harbour, it rushed straight for the Roddam—a devouring tornado of fire from the bowels of the mountain.
For the entire story and the relating of Sodom, Gomorrah, Pompeii, Port Royal, St Pierre and soon U.S., please listen to Fr. Wolfe’s fiery sermon the story, below.
A people whose government terms the murder of soon-to-be-born, precious children a “sacred obligation”, engages in the physical mutilation and sexual exploitation of those children who survive the “obligation”, to say nothing, for time’s sake, of its adult population’s fanatical obsession with pornography and public displays of obscenity, is a people who do not have long to repent before God will have his justice. God didn’t just destroy Pompeii, he covered it with an impenetrable (until the steam engine) sheet of hardened ash and magma, TWENTY FEET THICK, a veritable Hadrian’s Wall against smut, to spare his newly Christianized children from the scandal and temptation.
He covered Port Royal with the sea and incinerated “The Paris of The Caribbean”, named for his chosen Apostle, St Peter i.e. St. Pierre en l’francaise, in a mere 10 seconds. Considering this, Dr. Gaty exhorts us, thus.
Why does this matter? Why play into the hands of the queer theorists and rebrand sex criminals as the normies? Well, for roughly the same reason that it is important for a military commander to know whether he has encircled the enemies or they have encircled him. If you view child sacrifice as a self-limiting anomaly, the trans craze as a phase, and identity politics as a passing fancy, you’ll be tempted to sit back, relax, mind your own business, and wait for the madness to subside. Those tactics will get you nothing but a nonbinary grandchild.
I am imploring you to realize that, in the absence of God, the madness is the norm. You cannot wait-and-see your way out of it, you can only repent-and-revival your way out of it. Our godless elites are not leading us into brave new worlds of depravity, they’re simply taking us back to where we started. If we do not want America to be normal again, if we do not want to revert to the monstrous mean, we must turn to Christ instead. He is the only way out of the very normal chaos of life.
Gaty leaves out (and that’s not a criticism), what I believe, with Professor John Senior, in his magnificent The Restoration of Christian Culture, is the key, beyond or nay, ante Christus.
I believe, and it is the theme and thesis of this book, that true devotion to Mary is now our only recourse.
Ah, but what a pleasant recourse, devotion to Her is! The hour is late and perdition rises, but in typical, Marian fashion2, she expects her children to be vigilant and steadfast in Faith, beyond what a mere human, devoid of Grace, could possibly muster. So we stay the course, pray the course, prepare for spiritual and perhaps, physical battle and say with the most gallant of Mary’s devotees, St. Bernard.
“Remember that [the perverts] triumph will be a subject for grief to all ages and an eternal opprobrium upon the generation that has endured it. Yes, the living God has charged me to announce to you that He will punish them who shall not have defended Him against His enemies.”
Our Lady of Guadalupe, ora pro nobis!
Kirby’s entire quote: “[O]ur policies, whether they are diversity, inclusion, and equity, whether they’re about transgender individuals who qualify, physically and mentally, to service, to be able to do it with dignity, or whether it is about female service members – one in five – or female family members being able to count on the kinds of healthcare, reproductive care specifically, that they need to serve, that is a foundational sacred obligation of military leaders across the river,”
Our Lady rarely intercedes for us until the situation is so dire that only Her intercession can “save the day”. See e.g. the Wedding at Cana “they have no wine”.
I believe it has been said that if the Good Lord doesn’t respond to our actions with some sort of chastisement, that an apology is owed to Sodom and Gomorrah. I think the record has been set straight. No apology is needed. Pax et bonum!
No idea about this history! And I agree, we need Our Lady more than ever.