Top Gun-Maverick Is Top Shelf Movie Making Whose Main Course Is: Masculinity
It's Record-Breaking 1st Weekend Also Proves That 'Muricans Are Craving What Wokester Freaks Have Removed From Our Culture: Fathers
Hangman: “I’ll bet you 200 push-ups I can take you out, Old Man.”
Captain Pete Maverick: “You’re on and I will collect those push-ups".”
Top Gun Maverick is woketard Kryptonite. It brazenly defies, by promotion, every nature destroying canon of the demonic left including, most prominently, men as fathers as a necessity and it does it on film, with real actors on real sets flying real planes through real landscapes with real danger. There’s no “metaverse”, cgi simulation here. The Top Gun world, including the planes (mostly F-18’s), is an actual world, a masculine achievement in itself because it required real men with real power tools and skill to construct.
While the uber groomers at Disney brag that it “queers up” all its “content” these days, Maverick is drenched with testosterone but don’t misunderstand. This is not the kitzchie make-believe masculinity of butchy-women pretending they’re men and everyone gets a trophy, this is real-life competition twixt men competing to claim the role “team-leader” in what appears to be a suicide mission. True, there is a sole, female Top Gun but her role is complimentary and she is not the hero-Maverick is and the filmmakers stick that landing time after time.
There is a sub-plot that runs through Maverick focuses on the indispensable role of fathers and the pain caused by missing fathers in the triad of Maverick’s stars: Maverick, Penny (played by the lovely Jennifer Connelly) and Goose’s son “Rooster” (played by Miles Teller). When Maverick reunites with an old flame named Penny at the start of the film he has a conversation with Penny’s daughter Amelia (Lyliana Wray) about her current family life.
Maverick: “How’s your dad?”
Amelia: “I don’t know.”
Maverick: “Where is he?”’
Amelia: “Probably roaming around the Hawaiian islands with his teenage girlfriend.”
Amelia is clearly disturbed that her father has abandoned her and her mother for a tryst (or trysts) with young women. Later on, Amelia privately admonishes Maverick as he’s leaving Penny’s house "…just don’t break her heart, we’ve had enough of that.” Maverick predictably replies “I won’t, I promise.”
But as we learn, a promise made by Captain Pete Maverick Mitchell to an emotionally hurting mom is a promise he will indeed keep (I won’t spoil it for you but it’s what a real man, owning his mistakes on behalf of family, makes). In discussing this promise with Penny, Maverick says “I made a promise to his mom before she died… I was trying to do what I thought a good father should do.”
The relationships between Penny, Maverick, Amelia and Rooster lament the absence of fathers but don’t dwell on the loss because Maverick acts in ways that try and make both families whole again and it’s so well done, those of us who have not been infected with Wokeinasia won’t think much of it because it’s what real men do and that’s the point. Maverick is a 50 kiloton masculinity bomb dropped into downtown Wokefagistan.
Like Ghostbusters Afterlife, Maverick is in love with and is completely respectful of its predecessor, this a tacit endorsement and skilled use of something we have had forcefully removed in Wokefagistan: Tradition. But this is not the stoic prop of Fiddler on The Roof’s “Tradition” this is a love and reliance on Tradition. This tradition is the stuff made from love and defense of family. It draws from a masculine tradition of honor and integrity in military orders but it injects an element that is unique to the ‘Murican experiment: rebellion but this is not a rebellion against reality and natural law it is a rebellion against what we could today call Uvalde, Texas Police Force cowardice. Against the spirit that animated most people’s response to the CoronaHoax™ i.e. against “the risks of dying are unacceptable and therefore not going to be allowed!” This is the courageousness of Shakespeare’s Henry V with similarly well filmed dialogue. The acting is real, gritty and not over the top. The closeups become expected and the audience learns to see and love the nuance imperfections of each actor’s face so they become real live people.
This may seem like something silly to dwell on but the digital “metaversing” of films is now so complete that the gritty reality of using actual film on actual sets allows Maverick to tower its “film by computer-nerd CGI committees”, competition, if there is any. The fighter jet sequences feel real because they are real. The cast isn’t cgi “green-screened” into cgi cockpits (to be fair there IS cgi in the film but it’s mainly the explosions and exchange of fire between “enemy” planes), they’re actually in real planes while their US Navy counterparts actually flew real missions and did real stunts captured by custom made cameras placed inside and outside of the planes while in motion. Here’s how they did it.
The demonic, woketard left has worked fastidiously to deconstruct the world and turn into one devoid of nature and nature’s God in favor of a digitized prison where the inmates are the guards who are fed a steady diet of genetically modified frankenfood. Where “entertainment” is only entertaining to those who created it in their own, Godless, Sodom and Gamorrah image. Where CoronaDoom™ “protections” robbed the movie going public of truly enjoying the few films we’d want to see (A Quiet Place 2 & Ghostbusters Afterlife) for nearly 2 years. Ghostbusters Afterlife was the first film I actually enjoyed in the theater since A Quiet Space in 2019 but it came out in December and there was still no food or beverage service because the Doom had destroyed the theater workforce like it destroyed every other middle-class social pleasure.
I had concerns going to a Cinemark Theater for Maverick but they were quickly allayed upon arriving to see a mask-free, bustling line of movie-goers waiting patiently for popcorn and drinks; I felt like I had been “beamed” back to 2019. After watching Maverick I exited the theater with an excitement I hadn’t felt since Wokefagistan began its march to near complete control under the Rainbow Purification League. This began with Tom Cruise’s introduction of Maverick where he thanked us for “coming out to the theater to see this film the way it was made to be seen: in a theater.” Bravo.
Cruise is a scientologist weirdo (and an apostate from his Catholic faith) but he is also a movie star (in the classic sense of the term ) who along with Denzel Washington are the last 2 of the species. His devotion to the art of film-making as in using film to make art is on full-display in Maverick (Cruise was co-producer) but that’s not the whole story. Men don’t get to choose the time of their becoming battle hardened knights, God chooses that opportunity for them. This is Tom Cruise’s moment and it just so happened that Maverick debuted partially on Ascension Thursday and fully during the first day of the traditional novena for the arrival of The Paraclete at Pentecost. Maverick is the number 1 movie in ‘Muricah at the box office and number 1 for a Memorial Day debut, EVUH. And as mentioned above, it is completely devoid of any LGBTQ+ Wokefagistan evil. As a matter of fact, it actually makes the U.S. Navy look positively masculine, dashing and heroic, this while the USN’s real-world presence is positively feminine, depressing and filled with lustful promotion of Mortal sin.

I will surely be accused of being sanguine when anger and anxiety are being called for but hear my MsmGGA point: Pansy addled ‘Muricah needs Captain Pete Maverick Mitchell.
The ‘Murican movie-going public, staggering from being 24/7 bludgeoned the last 6 years with LGBTQ+ propaganda, and the last 2 years with “no risk is acceptable” CoronaDoom™ brainwashing, needs Captain Pete Maverick Mitchell.
Captain Pete Maverick Mitchell is willing to sacrifice his life for the people he swore an oath to protect. He is willing to endure excruciating pain before this death is imminent. He is willing to lead others into the same potentially deadly scenario because the greater good they serve call for it. This almost sounds CRUSADER knight-like.
Almost and in 2022, that’s an inside the park triple that, properly understood, proves that among the pervert weirdoes dominating “entertainment” they are still capable of producing timely, heroic tales and that there’s an audience starved for those tales and are willing to pay for them.
Whether the filmmakers INTENDED any of the above is irrelevant because as I have stated on The Mike Church Show and written here and elsewhere, the Holy Ghost does not ask permission to conduct His works. Let us pray there are more “Maverick’s” in the works.
Top Gun Maverick is rated PG-13. Please note that there IS an instance of profanity near the film’s conclusion.
How appropriate that a testosterone infused manly nay fatherly movie should be released and received overwhelmingly at the beginning of homosexual appreciation month. Please note that I used neither the words gay or pride. Let’s take back our language.
Damn King Dude! Wokefagistan? My sons and me are laughing our butts off. Your rendition movie preview should be mandatory prior to watching this movie. Gets the proverbial testosterone flowing in full gear! Buckanator Approves!