As always spot on!

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I understand your point but but I tend to dig deep into these discussions. Most people might glaze over or pass up the diagrams. God Bless

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I’d also like to mention/discuss the definition of “Union” Joining or being joined, especially in a political context.

-A club, society, or association formed by people with a common interest or purpose.

I don’t recall seeing this in your writings, I think it’s important because it intrinsically rationalizes or validates the States secession. Especially when the North/Federalists referred to their army as a “Union force”. If the country was a Union, then by their own definition States could divest themselves. If we were a nation, it would be a rebellion. However, by there own labeling as a Union, logically any members of said Union would/should be allowed to divest themselves from said Union. Therefore making any attempt to attack or regain States illegal, unlawful and egregious.

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Great book! I have the original and the updated edited version by Mike Church. Mike’s book is definitely worth it! It’s a great gift for all the Lincoln lovers and amateur historians in your life! Get this or other great books and movies by Mike at https://shop.mikechurch.com/

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