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All Hallows Eve was a big deal in Catholic Europe, but every country/region celebrated it differently. In the 1800s, the "nativist" anti-Catholic movement in the US saw Catholic groups from the Old World preparing for All Saints, and concocted an "explanation" for some of the practices exhibited.

Druidism died out in Celtic lands roughly 2-300 years before All Saints was established on Nov 1. Unlike Catholicism, Talmudism, or Muhammadism, druids didn't write their doctrines or rituals down, so when their religion died out, so did theit rites and such. There was a "resurgence" of druidism around the time that anti-Catholics were redefining All Hallows Eve in the US, but it was, IIRC, based on conjecture and some vague references in Julius Caesar's chronicles of his wars in Gaul.

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Yes, the piece I quoted from Fish Eaters says"

"Some say that the holiday actually stems from Samhain, a pagan Celtic celebration, or is Satanic, but this isn't true, either, any more than Christmas "stems from" the Druids' Yule"

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