Sadly, only a precious few will stay ahead of the curve and prepare for what must naturally occur. The vast majority has been pacified beyond any meaningful action. Even the few of that vast majority that took notice of current events, will only take notice for mere moments before burying their faces back into the brain sucking device that the tech industry has masterfully convinced us is the easiest path to utopia.
The smartphone could be like the typewriter, properly understood and used i.e. you never saw anyone "dating" or paying their bills or buying stuff through a typewriter. This shows the true purpose of the "smartphone" end civilization as it was known.
Sadly, only a precious few will stay ahead of the curve and prepare for what must naturally occur. The vast majority has been pacified beyond any meaningful action. Even the few of that vast majority that took notice of current events, will only take notice for mere moments before burying their faces back into the brain sucking device that the tech industry has masterfully convinced us is the easiest path to utopia.
The smartphone could be like the typewriter, properly understood and used i.e. you never saw anyone "dating" or paying their bills or buying stuff through a typewriter. This shows the true purpose of the "smartphone" end civilization as it was known.