You're Asking The WRONG Question If You Ask "Russians, Good or Bad"!?
The 'Murican/Western Ruling Elite Crossed The Event Horizon of Despotism 2 Years Ago & Have "Circled Back" For Their Second Kill": Russia
In plain language, an event horizon can be described as a point of no return. It is a cosmical prison that not even the light itself can ever escape, a threshold beyond which no events can affect the observer. - World Atlas
If you are asking this report’s operative question, this will start you on the path to reality and Truth:
In 2018 The Dark Lord himself basically said that “training” world leaders like Putin was old news and the WEF had moved on to “infiltrating cabinets of foreign countries…like …Trudeau…and Argentina…”. Watch for yourself.

Then there is this “evidence” that the WEF is not so pro-Putin, pro-Russian but is actually pro, diabolical power grab and has kicked Putin, an impediment now, to the curb.
Let’s call this campaign, orchestrated in the exact same manner and unbelievable speed that CoronaDoom™ i.e. Covid-19 was rolled out as THE threat to humanity, introducing: PUTIN-22!
Right now, most readers are chanting “conspiracy theoryyyyy!… of COURSE they would say that to cover up the fact that Satan (Putin) is not in on the this New World Order installation, the Russians and the Chinese and the WEF are now instigating!”
I will tell you, fair reader, that we are smack dab in the middle of the greatest propaganda campaign since Satan told Eve she had misunderstood the author of Incarnate Wisdom and All Things, himself.
Now the serpent was more subtle than any of the beasts of the earth which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman: Why hath God commanded you, that you should not eat of every tree of paradise? [2] And the woman answered him, saying: Of the fruit of the trees that are in paradise we do eat: [3] But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of paradise, God hath commanded us that we should not eat; and that we should not touch it, lest perhaps we die. [4] And the serpent said to the woman: No, you shall not die the death. [5] For God doth know that in what day soever you shall eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened: and you shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil.
To that end I will offer one example of the demonically inspired groupthink, Orwell so infamously warned of but St Peter did with greater Authority in this shocking reversal of T and C from Pridebook, sorry “Meta” and Twitter.
Please note that the satan-spawn of that übergeek and Friend of Klaus, Mark Zuckerberg’s, “Facebook”, has morphed into this ethereal based entity called “Meta” which sounds to me like a good name for an Incubus in a bad Sam Raimi film. Zuck’s 3 billion users are also told that they can now also safely love, praise and promote their membership in neo-Nazi groups, namely the Ukrainia Azov militia that wraps itself in crossed wolfsangels aka swastikas.
Emails also showed that Meta would allow praise of the right-wing Azov battalion, which is normally prohibited, in a change first reported by The Intercept.
The Meta spokesperson previously said the company was "for the time being, making a narrow exception for praise of the Azov Regiment strictly in the context of defending Ukraine, or in their role as part of the Ukraine National Guard."
Here is the Azov logo on an actual Ukrainian soldier’s left shoulder. This is a crossed wolfsangel (see below)
Wikipedia assures us that the Wolfsangel IS the wellspring from whence the Hitlerian Swastika and its neo-cousin the Azov logos come from. Wikipedia also assures us that the Wolfsangel was used in nearly all Nazi-era batallions under the German high-command.
Oh and then there is this, just sayin’.

But if you need further vaccination against Putin-22 as the world’s sole, real-world version of “Dr. Evil” how about this story from 2019 that the Biden/Nuland/Peppermint Psaki/WEF forgot to ask their buddies at Google and now Duck-Duck-Go to scrub from history. Here is Demoncrat Max Rose’s letter to SecState Mike Pompeo demanding the Azov be listed as a…. wait for it:
Read the whole letter and see the 40 Demoncrats who signed it back in 2019.

Oh, and the story made headlines in the Never Trump media everywhere, like this one.
But now we are told that the Avoz nazis are the good guys and that its ok to buy FanBoy merch that shows your love of them and your Je suis Avoz! on amazon.
Now, “professional journalists” and those now fully in the snares of the DeceptiCON (neocon) mind-control campaign will chant, if they are able to even utilize such a human power, “conspiracy theory…Putin apologist…traitor!!” and probably throw in a “climate denier!” for good measure.
And I respond: Everything I have shown you here is available to the same Putin-22 media and their Covid-19 Kyle and Karen acolytes and yet not one of them has found the above worthy of even mentioning while they walk zombie-like NOT to WWIII but straight into Putin-22 and all the “lockdowns” the EXACT same entities imposed on me and you but now on the entire Russian Federation, some 120 million souls.
ALL MEDIA, including the allegedly “new media” that would do the digging I just did on your behalf, are ALL singing from the “kill-Putin” and starve the Russian people from televised lesbians & sodomites, hardcore porn and GMO food.
ALL OF THEM. Newsmax, OANN, The BenFather, FAUX (Fox), Daily Wire and of course the usual suspects in the Media Industrial Complex. The same who took BILLIONS IN BRIBES to encourage their audiences to “get the jib” are now to be trusted on Putin-22 without any questions asked!?
AGAIN: This is a global campaign whose scripts come from a central source that MANUFACTURES the “Putin and Russians kill pregnant women and babies in maternity hospital” atrocity, that if true, would be an atrocity. But wait: WHAT benefits could inure to the Russian effort to liberate Donetsk, by bombing and killing a maternity hospital in the Donetsk’s largest city!? This city is IN the Donetsk, along with the Lugansk, that was recognized by Putin and the Russians as independent countries just prior to the “invasion” (actually liberation) of the same republics. What sense!?
The day after the alleged “strike”, this appeared on Spriter’s Twitter and I retweeted it.

Then this appeared on Instagram via Sputnik.
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Ukrainian model and blogger Marianna Podgurskaya has been accused of participating in a staged photoshoot in a maternity hospital in Mariupol allegedly demolished by a Russian strike, drawing criticism from users on Instagram.
Under a linked Instagram post, users have left over 1,500 comments in which they disputed that she was injured or was near the hospital which was closed to civilians and was used by Ukrainian militants from the right-wing extremist Azov battalion as a military base.
The War on Fakes project, which tracks and debunks fake news related to the Ukrainian crisis, also shared materials on Telegram refuting that the Mariupol maternity hospital was hit by the Russian army.
This includes testimonies of local residents as well as a chronological compilation of photos showing that images depicting pregnant women and other patients emerged on social media much later than the hospital was allegedly hit, while the initial photos featured no patients.
Yeah, I know, Karen and Kyle.
I haven’t even covered the now globally known testimony of HexenBeast Victoria Nulan in the U.S. Senate on Tuesday last, wherein her fiendishness confessed that there ARE bio-weapons labs in Ukraine and that at the very LEAST, the United States knew that bio-weapons were being developed for use. ICYMI.
Note how the shocked Rubio bolted into CYA mode to make certain that OUR bio-labs were now RUSSIAN bio-labs. Were Detective Columbo still around he might start to scratch at his notebook and say.
“uh, ma’am, there’s just…my wife is always saying that she knows when I have cheated at lunch and not eaten just what she packed form me by the mustard stains on my trench-coat. Uh, Mrs. Nuland, did you say that you were afraid that lethal bio-weapons might be in Russian hands!? Uh… pardon me, but, if you knew such weapons existed…uh, my wife also says I ask too many questions…but uhhhh, Mrs. Nuland, why would the U.S. as party to international uhhhh, treaties if you will, against the creation of bio-weapons…uh, why wouldn’t you have advised THESE weapons be uhhh, confiscated and the creators brought to whatevuh the UN or whoevuh would uhhh, save people from them being used on…uh… MA’AM!?”
Only a true sociopath or sociopaths could know of such evil and either a. do nothing about it b. aid in assist including fund the further the “gain of function”or c. setup your real enemy to pin your diabolical operations on him. Putin be like…
Putin-22 is a real disease that like Covid-19 before it, continues the path to normalized “lockdowns” amid a one-world acceptable narrative on “global-crisis” events.
I didn’t believe these governments and their state run media outfits the last 2 years and I don’t believe them now. As stated at the start, the Event Horizon hath been crossed and no light, read “truth” can escape from the black hole that the “official” West has undeniably become.
The proper question to ask that we began with is this: Are ANY of the Western governments, including and ESPECIALLY the United States, their marching in lockstep Bezos sized oligarchs and equally contemptible MIC, “good guys”?
Answer: absolutely not.
That may not make the Russians or Putin “good guys” but it doesn’t hurt their or more importantly OUR case to be free of Putin-19, its antecedents and looming crises.
It’s Lent, pray, fast and don’t worry.
Radio icon the late Bob Grant used to say: "It's sick and getting sicker out there!" That was back in the 1980's. Little did he know just how sick the world was to become...