Your Chance To Become Mark Houck Has Arrived You Radical, Rosary Praying "Extremists"!
The FBI isn't concerned with public worship of Satan but if you dare attend The Latin Mass you're a threat to peace
“First they came for the Cake Baker and I said nothing.” - ancient catholic prophecy
UPDATE: The FBI has, for now, has “retracted” the Radical Traditional Catholic “product”
ICYMI The Grammy Awards, this past Holy Day, that’s any Sunday for non #RTC’s (radical traditional catholics) presented a 90 minute homage to Satan complete with his most famous harlot, Lucy Ciccone (I will not blaspheme Our Lady and call her M****na), exposing herself then openly mocking Christians while “appreciating” Satan’s newest harlot “rebels” against a backdrop of satanic red lighting and red encased imagery.

Watch as host Trevor Noah opened the televised seance by acknowledging that the Devil himself was actually attending and running the event, this is what I call “projection”.

As I have been chronicling in this space since its inception.
“The demons are ascendent, they’ve come for the children and they won’t take ‘no’ for an answer.” - Me
This is now on open display across nearly every public institution in the West, public and private.
They are running the show, folks.
This is why we are now seeing the beginnings of the coming white martyrdom for orthodox Christians and especially those who practice the Sacred Tradition of Catholicism. The demons know who their real enemy is, i.e. Christ and His Church and they are going to bring war to us. We should thank God for this, as Mark Houck did after his acquittal for praying outside an abortion clinic and defending his teenage son from an agent of Moloch.
“Hey Mitter Chur! what does this have to do with the FBI and RTC’s, please!?” Well Rosary praying pilgrims, this (h/t to Daily Signal’s Tyler O’Neil).
According to an explosive document newly uncovered by a Federal Bureau of Investigation whistleblower, the FBI’s Richmond office repeatedly cited the far-left smear factory the Southern Poverty Law Center in an intelligence bulletin, violating longstanding FBI guidelines on the SPLC’s credibility.
“We got briefings that SPLC was not legitimate when I was at Quantico,” Kyle Seraphin, who served six years at the FBI as a special agent before getting indefinitely suspended without pay in June 2022, told The Daily Signal in a phone interview Wednesday. Seraphin published the document on Wednesday.
The document, “Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities,” bears markings reading “UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY” and “FBI INTERNAL USE ONLY — DO NOT DISSEMINATE EXTERNALLY.”
“In making this assessment, FBI Richmond relied on the key assumption that [racially or ethnically motivated extremists] will continue to find [radical-traditionalist Catholic or RTC] ideology attractive and will continue to attempt to connect with RTC adherents, both virtually via social media and in-person at places of worship,” the document states.
O’Neil wrote a book on the diabolical hacks at the SPLC and knows how these useful idiots for Moloch operate. My friend and teacher Brother André Marie knows PERSONALLY what the SPLC is capable of doing to catholics. Where they are involved, economic tragedy and personal sacrifice will follow. Thank God.
Kyle Seraphin is a former FBI agent turned whistleblower who is responsible for the SPLC/FBI story going public.

Today, I was blessed with the chance to spend an hour on the phone, interviewing Kyle who is a genuine, very witty and very well informed hero/whistleblower. You can listen to my interview here. My takeaway from the interview is that the FBI has become a menace to the ‘Murican people that cannot be repaired, as I have saide here before, but needs to be demolished and IF it were restarted it would have to be under very different conditions that would almost make its existence obsolete; but “The Bureau” isn’t going to demolish itself and don’t wait for the Cowardly lions in the new GOP led House of Representin’ to do it either. With Biden and Scarecrow Garland in control for another 2 years we should fully expect more Rad Trad’s Must Be Martyred memos and diabolical actions on same (that’s why I brought up Mark Houck, the FBI hounded him and Scarecrow’s INjustice Department prosecuted him).
The fact is, folks, there is a Communist menace influencing the decisions of people running every public institution you know by name and an expanding list of those you know by sight. Why? because you see them in your haunts and haunts is the proper term when you realize what life, viva publicæ, has become. Things broadcast on TV are part of public life and therefore the broadcasters must answer to the public and be jealous of offending or damaging it, this was the excuse given for the creation of the FCC. It’s the excuse given still for “broadcast licenses”. It used to be that those licenses could be revoked if the public trust was violated, now, the public seems to actually expect that trust to be violated and the Communists running our asylums are only too happy to comply.
My friend, the author and scholar Paul Kengor (interviews with Paul are here) has written two books that chronicle this pink-commie menace: The Devil and Karl Marx and The Devil and Bella Dodd.
In the Devil and Bella Dodd, Kengor quotes Dodd and the why/how communism works, thus.
“Communism is a whole philosophy of life that permeates everything that you do [it becomes] part of your bloodstream, [a system that] determines the kind of marriage you have, your relations with your children, your relationship to your community, your relationship with your profession. It makes decisions for you.”
Kengor concludes per Dodd, per 9 Popes that communism is Satanism. It is for euthanasia, for divorce, for adultery, for homosexuality, for pederasty, for mutilation, for contraception, for abortion, for euthanasia, for atheism and for the forced hierarchy of men ruling over other men by their own fiat and by their own authority. You may be wondering how all the foregoing connects to RadCathGate thus you have been, fair reader, looking at a piece of bark on 1 tree that is surrounded by hundreds of different trees: the life of the humble, Traditional Catholic is God’s antidote to all that communism seeks to destroy. He and his family, through Sacramental marriage, are kryptonite to The Cult of Death, of course they will become “enemies of the state” when a state, under Biden and Obama before him is so devoted to the diabolical plan of communism.
The “product” produced by the FBI against The Slaves to The Immaculate Heart of Mary is yet another example of what I call “projection” i.e. it projects onto the innocent what it does or wishes to do in it’s sin-blackened soul.
Our ruling elites are either at or very near the state of moral depravity that existed in Voltaire’s France, Bolshevik Russia and Diaz’s Mexico but this iteration of the Cult of Death is backed by a World War Z sized mob of consumption and insulin drunk zombies all connected to a endorphin pumping network called social software, (you call it social media). This is the anatomy of the Woke mob that Traditional Catholics (and yes, other orthodox christians) must see for what it is and work to avoid. The enemy, and the Bureau as a public institution, knows this and is doing what an adversary does in war. Martial the forces, pre-position the assets then make the battle cry. You, fair reader, should be hearing these cries and not making excuses up that they are just “coincidences”; in spiritual warfare there are none and you shouldn’t believe in them.
“I have learned from bitter experience that you cannot serve man unless first, you serve God in sincerity and truth, with the faith of little children. In vain, they build, who build without God.” - Bella Dodd
Lent is approaching, your chance and mine to do some real fasting and penance (you can start that right now, Christian gentlemen!) and pray for the enemy’s conversion to The Faith. The “leak of this FBI memo, I believe, is akin to the leak of the Dodd decision: it’s an attempt to demoralize and lessen the threat to Lucy Ciccone’s boss because he knows that those who hold the BVM in the highest esteem, and all RTC’s I know y/t included, do, are a threat to him and Her Immaculate Heart will triumph.
“I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel." - God
We’re all Mark Houck now, let us thank God for that.