The New Christendom Daily
The Mike Church Show
YES! Signing Bombs Intended To Kill Russians Is An Act Of War

YES! Signing Bombs Intended To Kill Russians Is An Act Of War

The Mike Church Show Episode #2002

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Lt Governor Mark Robinson

  • If they really cared about someone calling themselves a Black Nazi they would have arrested other black men long ago.

  • Why do they care about Robinson?

  • They care b/c Donald Trump endorsed him.

  • Yesterday in North Carolina a reporter asked JD Vance if the Trump campaign still endorsed Robinson after the Black Nazi scandal.

  • That is why CNN is going after Robinson.

  • They want Trump to say yes I made a mistake in endorsing him.

  • Why are they picking on minorities by the way?

  • I can tell you right off the bat he is a black man unlike some others running for political office.

  • This is only September wait until you see what they have for the October surprise!

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Zelensky and Shaprio Sign Bombs

  • These two men sign these bombs w/ silver Sharpies.

  • The look on their faces is one of such joy.

  • Thank you for keeping the killing machine in business Zelensky!

  • They signed 155mm Artillery shells.

  • If we found out that Russia was firing or about to fire artillery shells into Arizona we would consider that an act of war right?

  • Why would you want to be photographed signing weapons of mass destruction is sick and demented.

  • Let me make an analogy here - What would we think here in the United States, how many of you know someone that was lost to a fentanyl overdose, it would be me assisting someone in the cartel…how would you like it if I was seen autographing bags of fentanyl w/ a cartel member?

  • What would you think?

  • Let’s just say Putin was video taped singing bags of fentanyl that were heading this way?

  • We would be threatening to wipe Russia off the map.

  • We should be thankful Putin isn’t the war monger our MSM makes him out to be.

  • He is showing GREAT restraint in this situation.

  • By the way Governor Shapiro, now Putin knows exactly where the ammunition facility is if he didn’t already know.

  • What happened yesterday is an act of war period, full stop.

Thus ends the PREVIEW Audio|Transcript|Links to All Media from Today’s Mike Church Show. To get the entire 3 Hour Radio Show, Transcript and links to everything Mike Discussed, delivered to your email box, use the SUBSCRIBE NOW Button Below!


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