The New Christendom Daily
The Mike Church Show
Why A Government Shutdown Is The Constitutional Solution

Why A Government Shutdown Is The Constitutional Solution

The Mike Church Show Episode #2001

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Government Shutdown

QUESTION: What is a government shutdown?

ANSWER: Many federal government agencies and programs rely on annual funding appropriations passed by Congress. Every year, Congress must pass, and the President must sign budget legislation for the next fiscal year, consisting of 12 appropriations bills, one for each Appropriations subcommittee. Congress has not yet enacted any of the 12 bills for FY 2025 that make up the discretionary spending budget. In a “shutdown,” federal agencies must discontinue all non-essential discretionary functions until new funding legislation is passed and signed into law. Essential services continue to function, as do mandatory spending programs.

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  • What a better way to send Kamala back to the White House to do some work.

  • This is what drives me crazy about all of this.

  • Speaker Johnson has all the cards.

  • Shut the damn thing down, tell Biden and Harris to go stick it you aren’t getting any deals.

  • Your administration is out of control, the spending is out of control and we are going to get it under control.

  • This is the CONSTITUTIONAL way to do it.

  • Article 1 Section 7

  • Harris and Biden can’t do anything about this other than Harris could break a tie.

  • Wouldn’t that be delicious!!!

  • Make her be the tie breaker on this vote and let Trump run wild on her for it.

  • Why isn’t everyone talking about this?

Butler Pennsylvania

  • Instead of screaming at Secret Service leaders in hearings, subpoena the ones that were there that day.


  • Why hasn’t this been done yet?

  • It may be they were chasing down that bomb threat.

  • It may be something more nefarious than that but at the end of the day we need to know what it was.

Back to Government Shutdowns

  • In Clinton’s case, Republicans pledged to balance the budget with their “Contract with America" while cutting social programs and repealing Clinton’s 1993 tax increase. The president was willing to balance the budget—and indeed wanted to—but he was opposed to Republican methods. Republicans were willing to test Clinton by refusing to appropriate the funds the federal government needed to operate.

  • The  first government shutdown lasted from November 14–20. More than 800,000 “nonessential” federal employees stayed home from work. House Speaker Newt Gingrich publicly said he started the shutdown, in part, because he felt snubbed by the president during a flight on Air Force One. Other conservatives suggested that the shutdown wasn’t so bad.

  • The  second shutdown occurred from December 16, 1995 through January 5, 1996. Public opinion polls showed that the majority of Americans blamed Republicans, and this pressure helped bring Republicans to the table to reopen the government. 

Kamala Harris and Oprah Winfrey Interview

  • Did you know Kamala had a teleprompter?

  • Have you ever seen Trump w/ a teleprompter when doing a Town Hall type event?

  • Yes he has them for his campaign stops because it has his speech on it.

  • Town Hall - no he does not typically have one that we know of.

Thus ends the PREVIEW Audio|Transcript|Links to All Media from Today’s Mike Church Show. To get the entire 3 Hour Radio Show, Transcript and links to everything Mike Discussed, delivered to your email box, use the SUBSCRIBE NOW Button Below!


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