While The U.S. Senate Quizzes Epstein Groomer Inc. Putin Moves Bishop B5 to King F1..."Check"
For 2 Years I've Been Detailing For You The Global Death Cult's Controlled Demo Of The Middle Class, Their Goal Is At Hand, Are You Prepared, Citizen!?
Let’s deal with Biden sending to the Senate an Epstein Island apologist and pedo-groomer as a SCOTUS nominee; and the Republican’s granting her, the logical end result of believing Kinsey’s fables and “marrying them” to Obergefell, a hearing in said Senate.
“But Mitter Chur! Mitter Chur!! The Thenate hath to give nomineethe a hearing, Mitter Chur!”
Yeah? Tell that to Merrick Garland. Also, let’s be honest: the DeceptiCONS (Repubs) WANTED Katanji Brown Jackson to get a hearing because of the Kabuki Theater it has produced and the tens of kajillions of newly devalued $$$ they will raise for their campaigns off of highlight reels like this one:

Now let me one up the anté on that: the Global Cult of Death Cabal will also use this highlight reel to fill their Satanic coffers up with campaign cash. This one will net tens of MILLIONS for the A/C guzzling crowd; hell, it’s a “little Epstein urban achievers award” video.
But the fact is, the Demoncrats could not have even convened the hearing on Brown Jackson if the hapless Stupid Party had your and my family’s moral well-being in mind and this abomination would never have further desecrated the U.S. Senate. How!? By invoking Senate Rule 26, (sec 7 (a)1.) which Schmuckles Schumer was very fond of and invoked it to no avail during the Notorious ACB’s confirmation hearing.
(a)(1) Except as provided in this paragraph, each committee, and each subcommittee thereof is authorized to fix the number of its members (but not less than one-third of its entire membership) who shall constitute a quorum thereof for the transaction of such business as may be considered by said committee, except that no measure or matter or recommendation shall be reported from any committee unless a majority of the committee were physically present.
This means that if the Repubs refused to show up for the hearing, then it couldn’t have proceeded and even if Schmuckles said “f**k ‘em, have it anyway!”, by rule, the Committee couldn’t “vote her out” to the main floor for “point of order” then a vote. And, yes, there is “precedent” for this as recently as the ACB hearings. Nota Bene! NO Demoncrats, that is precisely 0.0, showed for the Judiciary Committee vote on The Notorious ACB but since Lindsay Graham had a 13-11 majority, Senate Rule 26 went up in flames.
There has to be another way and there is, see below.
Speaking of up in flames, while the Senate is playing pin the tail on the pederast, Russia’s Putin is quietly maneuvering in for the kill shot on your summer vacation and 5th, 100inch flat panel TV purchase: he’s going along with Biden’s controlled demolition of the ‘Murican Middle Class by helping kill the dollar.
This will not bring about Klaus Schwab’s “Great Reset” but it locks in the process the Cabal will use to try and foist a unified, digital currency on the defeated and smoldering remains of the ‘Murican and by proxy NATO empire’s Middle Class.
How do you fight this!? Start cashing your salve new world “paycheck” and pay cash for everything possible and learn to become an ace barterer by e.g. watching re-runs of Green Acres’ Mr. Haney (the lovable Pat Butram).
All levitation aside (h/t Jen Peppermint Psaki), I suggest some simple life changes my family and I in the CRUSADER (catholic) Land Movement are working on:
Buy survival garden seeds and learn to plant a Survival Garden! (Free Farm Podcast/Friday video on this here).
Every time you use your Debit Card if there’s 0.0 cost “cash back”, get cash then learn how to use cash again at the same retailer.
local. Local and LOCAL. Live it, love it, shop it.
Identify all your digital media and online accounts, cancel what you can do in the real world and then work to consolidate the rest.
Buy a camera and learn to photograph your children and only share duplicates with people you love and trust.
Make the move away from banks like Chase, Citibank etc and all those who a. demanded “jibs” for their employees b. froze Russian’s assets (think they won’t do this to you!?) and cancelled their ATM/Debit cards and c. run credit card company’s.
Spend the time to find a good, local or at worst, regional, small bank and move your $$ there.
Learn a skill then make a vocation out of it, this book has 62 Trades that have survived since Noah, I’d buy 2 copies if I were you and give one to some one you actually like!.
LEAVE social media. ALL OF IT! (unless you use/need it for vocation). All you’re doing is giving the enemy information that a mere 10 years ago they either couldn’t obtain or would have to purchase from you! It now only exists to gather the data that will be used to control your spending patterns and thus your life in the “great reset”.
Read reactionary’s writings so you can think like a reactionary. Our enemies are not smart people, they think collectively with a centralized, preternatural intellect that dwarfs ours, but their instructions are monolithic and don’t respond to reality. The reactionary makes reality his adversary but also his friend. The reactionary does no thinking without considering what God’s right’s are, conforms his mind to them, then acts. Here are a few (not all are considered “reactionaries”) to get you started.
Brother André Marie | Frank Wright | Michael Warren Davis | Joseph Pearce | Rod Dreher | Joy Pullman | WM Briggs | Celia Farber
Some may be wondering why Berenson, Kirsch, RFK Jr and other CoronaHoax™ heroes aren’t on the list and the honest answer is in the Big, New Christendom scheme of things, they aren’t True allies. They are all fine journalists in their own fields but not in the fields where the reality of faith & family meets the evil that is this fallen world and only spiritual answers will suffice. I could also list dozens of resources who no longer write because of the 4 Final Things! If I forgot someone, I’ll add them in my inevitable edits.
LARP (I use that term very loosely) The Founding Fathers and by that I mean 3 groups.
Fathers/Doctors/Heroic Saints of The Catholic Church
Fathers of our clans
The ‘Murican Founding Fathers
We are putting the genius and love of these Fathers into an event we call The Fellowship of The Clans-CRUSADER Congress. You should seriously consider the restoration of families as Kingdoms (as in Christendom) and true [r]epublican gubbmint i.e. a system of Subsidiarity and Solidarity and join us in May.
Seriously. Failure to consider this “option”, which has a 1,900 year track record of success, is a failure of leadership every Man-clan leader should possess otherwise you get the porn-addicted boobus Americanus loser responsible for the mess we are in today.
“Join, or Die!” A stout, young Pennsylvanian once carved in a plank of wood.
I agree. And that’s what I have to say about that.
You’ve identified the “script” for the Kabuki Theater taking place in the US Senate. Republicans get to grill Jumonji Jackie Brown and appear tough. All this footage goes to campaign ads stating how we have to “stop Biden’s radical agenda” and how sending (name your big R candidate) to Washington is the only way to save the “country”. This will all be backed up by “No” votes on confirming JJB. Of course all this is meaningless because if they really wanted to stop the nomination, they could just pull a rule 26 as you described and not show up for the committee vote. Unfortunately, no one, outside of your audience knows about rule 26, so expect the ads as I’ve described followed by appearances on all the neocon talk shows to throw more red meat at “conservatives” ahead of the midterms. The cycle continues.
Wonderfully written Mittur Chur! The peppered & effective, but very apropos commentary regarding "little Epstein urban achievers award" and "Playing pin the tail of the pederast" are SPOT on sir. If it wasn't so sick, it be funny. Okay, it was sort of funny, but a succinct means to getting to the point fast and furious! My family has ripped our money out of the banks and into a local credit union that I've belonged to for some 30 years. The potato buckets are planted, with more on the way. The Traditional IRA liquified into their precious medals version. Looking forward to attending the Fellowship of the Clans to solidify our community's plan of steering ourselves away from Mordor!