The New Christendom Daily
The Mike Church Show
What Do You Want Your Biden Detention Camp Name To Be?
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -10:41

What Do You Want Your Biden Detention Camp Name To Be?

The Mike Church Show Episode 1943

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Day 13 for Golden Truth Tickets - HOST’S LOG, DUDE DATE “Juneteenth” 2024


Friends, thanks to many of you reading this note, The CRUSADE Radio Network has managed to survive as a completely independent Radio & TV Station since 2015, thank you! As the year of Bidenflation & controlled demolition that is 2024 progresses, the financial pressures brought to bear on our station compel us to up our fundraising efforts. Thus, we are now running the 2024 Golden Truth Ticket Sweepstakes to raise funds to properly broadcast the momentous events of this year’s historic elections butour little radio clipper ship has hit the Great Apathy Reef and appears to be run aground. This is where you come in, you captain’s of the rescue ship Odyssey (like in Apollo 13!): please, in your charity and patriotism, consider purchasing Golden Truth Tickets and help raise the tide of The Sea of Hope Media, and free us from the Reef! Buy more than one GTT and you’ll also increase the speed of those beautiful MAGA Trade Winds in our sails! Together, we can make LIVE! Talk Radio Great Again!

God bless,


p.s. ‘Membah, We are only selling 1,000 tickets so you have an amazing 1 in 1,000 chance of winning!

Joe Biden Signs Executive Order

  • Amnesty Bill for all illegals that have been here for 10 years or more.

  • So the steal operation is a go!

  • Remember when Biden used to say “God Bless Our Troops” at the end of every speech?

  • I think they tipped their hand yesterday when they expedited this process of becoming a citizen if you are married to an American citizen.

  • I missed something in the Constitution apparently.

  • Legislate, execution…

  • Can someone tell me when Congress changed the naturalization law?

  • How you can get a Green Card - it is law, there are immigration lawyers out there.

  • My brother married a woman from the UK and it took 6 years for her to become a US Citizen.

  • She had to ultimately hire an attorney to get the process sped up to become a citizen.

  • Article 1 Section 8 -

  • He is trying to buy more votes.

  • Just like he did w/ the students by cancelling they college debt.

  • He tried the same thing w/ women by advocating for abortion.

Articles of Association

Articles of Association = are internal documents and rules to specify the regulations for a company's operations and define the company's purpose. It outlines how tasks are to be accomplished within the organization, including the process of appointing directors and handling financial records.

  • October 20, 1774 - Insurrectionist would begin their rebellion by stating thus…..We loyal subjects….list all colonies, and in prosecution of the same system….

  • The First Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Association in response to the “Intolerable Acts” the British government had imposed on its subjects in the colonies. These punitive laws were passed in response to patriot uprisings in the north, particularly the Boston Tea Party in late 1773.  The Articles of Association proposed a boycott on goods produced in Britain and its colonies, and also provided for the correct conduct of colonists during the boycott.

  • Clauses within the document announced a ban of the slave trade, severance of all economic ties with Britain, and the desire to improve agriculture and industry with the colonies, and to provide produce for colonists at a reasonable price. There was also provision for the correct conduct for colonists to undertake during the boycott: no “cock fighting, exhibitions of shews, plays, and other expensive diversions and entertainments,” and no purchasing of expensive mourning clothes after the death of a relative.

  • QUESTION: Why don’t we have Articles of Association?

  • We could easily have representatives from each state do this very thing.

  • We could make demands that the illegals get forced out.

  • They don’t have to listen to us but we could demand that and go from there.

What’s Going On In Israel?

  • Why do the two sovereign entities that are waging wars right now, how come they can’t wage their own wars w/ their own resources?

  • I’m talking about DIRECT resources bombs and ammunitions.

  • Why do they all start a war and turn to the United States for handouts?

  • They thank us, then demand more and more and more.

  • Is that how allies truly work?

  • There are a lot of people that want this to end.

  • Why isn’t someone telling Trump and his campaign that?

HEADLINE: Netanyahu Dissolves War Cabinet After Collapse of Coalition

Thus ends the PREVIEW Audio|Transcript|Links to All Media from Today’s Mike Church Show. To get the entire 3 Hour Radio Show, Transcript and links to everything Mike Discussed, delivered to your email box, use the SUBSCRIBE NOW Button Below! 

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