We're All Leopold Kaplan Now
The Biden Regime has figured out how to get a hi-rez image of your face: The TSA
“Too confused to reply, Anderton stood studying the card. She was right. Ed Witwer was not listed as his victim. On line five, the machine had neatly stamped another name.
Numbly, he pocketed the card. He had never head of the man in his life.” - The Minority Report
I made the mistake of taking an airplane trip today, let me tell you about it and what evil lurks now at every airport in ‘Muricah. An evil you already knew. An evil that has been pressed into End Game service. We call this evil: The TSA.
First things, first: TSA Pre is now a cruel ruse to set travelers up for a Minority Report sized let down. The TSA line at MSY, i.e. Moisant Stock Yards aka New Awlins, was longer then the general boarding line, staffed by the same amount of incompetent yet cocky little dictators. So I opted for the “Priority boarding” line (United offered me a $20 upgrade for “Priority/Premium this morning, more on that hoax in a moment). As I approached the check in desk I noticed that everyone was looking very directly and strangely at the check-in TSA agent. When I got within 2 passengers of the desk of destiny I found out why: The bastards now take your photograph on check-in!!
They will have every air traveler’s mug at ultra hi-rez for facial recognition.
That’s right: When you present ID you are PORTRAIT photographed.
Supposedly you can opt out (I didn’t try but I will on the return flight, Monday) but when Senator Jeff Merkley tried it, here’s what happened.
There’s basically an iPad mounted at every ID scanner, supposedly this is to assist TSA clowns in correctly matching faces in person to photos of faces on ID’s i.e. the Regime trusts the AI but doesn’t trust the clowns it’s paying to check ID’s even though the same entity has ostensibly trained those clowns specifically for this task. Well, mirabile dictu! the Regime is actually admitting that “‘Muricah’s first line of defense against terrorism” is a poorly trained joke! If you’re paying attention, this must be the Deep State’s idea of a practical joke because the gubbmint already has my hi-rez photo, thrice! Once in applying for a passport in 2013. Once in applying for TSA Pre in 2015 and again this year in renewing my passport. Thus we can eliminate their claim that this is an “enhanced security feature”, puh-friggin’-lease, this is calisthenics for the AI Bots the Deep State is training to run their Terminator World and I just helped them along; nay, every air traveler will soon be helping them along as they build their “Samaritan” machine and bring The Minority Report into a more prevalent existence.Yes, facial recognition and AI are already ruining peoples lives, you know, human collateral damage, but hey, we have a police state to create and toil in.
ROBERT WILLIAMS WAS doing yard work with his family one afternoon last August when his daughter Julia said they needed a family meeting immediately. Once everyone was inside the house, the 7-year-old girl closed all the blinds and curtains and then told her sister and parents that she'd figured it out: Wooly Willy, a character from her toy, had stolen the watches that got her dad arrested.
“She was like ‘We need to get to the bottom of this,’” her mother Melissa says. More recently, Melissa says, Julia has said she believes people who wear shirts that say “Detroit” represent the people who arrested her father.
Williams was arrested in January 2020 for allegedly stealing five watches from a Shinola store in Detroit, after he was wrongfully identified by facial recognition software. He was among the first people known to be wrongfully accused because of the software, which is an increasingly common tool for police. Michael Oliver and Nijeer Parks were wrongly arrested in 2019 after also being misidentified by facial recognition technology.
Oh, and the little AI bastard appears to be an actual “racist”.
All three cases were eventually dropped, but in Parks’ case, that took almost a year, including 10 days in jail. The cases shared some commonalities. Oliver and Parks both had prior criminal records. Oliver and Williams were investigated by the same Detroit detective. All three men are fathers, and all three are Black. “It’s not a coincidence,” Parks says.
What if the facial recognition I went through at MSY were deployed to check criminal databases while “checking you in? What if the query returned “a hit”? Would the Federales have to put their army of McDonald’s Men on a diet and physical training regiments or would a hi-tech Spider Man web be deployed from “eye in the sky” globes hanging over every TSA kiosk? The primary question here I am asking is quare est? i.e. “why does it exist?” this beast? Did Boobus Americanus catholicus request to be facially scanned and “minority reported”? Hell, which of us asked for the DHS & TSA to be created ex nihil to begin with!?
“Hey, I’ve got a great, post 9-11 world idea!”
“What’s that, Lohr!?”
“Let’s create super-spy agencies that will, wait for it… spy on US!”
And if we didn’t then ask the follow up: factum voluntum quid est i.e. what do we wish to be done about it?
Here’s a place to start that is straight out of white nationalist field: start a volunteer agency dedicated to promoting then organizing a registry — off-line of course — of businesses and public accommodations that either don’t install or uninstall surveillance camera systems.
That may sound naive but have you been in public lately? The “No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service” sign has all but gone the way of the Dodo (which is understandable given people’s public state of slobbery and undress, alas, I digress); it has been replaced by this guy.
Question: did I go to Billy Bob’s Boudin Ball Emporium to be an “extra” in an amateur crime film or did I go to buy Cajun meats? We can whine about the TSA and Big AI all we want but how many of us are facial-recognition-proof in our places of business? Hell, I have a friend who lives in the most endearing definition of BFE has TWO surveillance cameras on her house! Jim Carrey once quipped (when he used to be funny).
It is not that my friend is an accomplice in the Great Reset And Great AI Liberation with her installation of cameras it is that he is part of a tsunami of facile surrender to the beast as so many installers and now users of a Ring now are. They don’t just intsall the damned thing, they use it as though they’ve created a video form of Lego blocks and are building something transcendent with it. “Watch my playlist of how stupid people are when they knock on my door!” In his epic work on Media, Marshall McLuhan begins chapter 1 with an attempt to explain, e.g., the light that emits from the Ring’s display screen.
The instance of the electric light may prove illuminating in this connection. The electric light is pure information. It is a medium without a message, as it were, unless it is used to spell out some verbal ad or name. This fact, characteristic of all media, means that the "content" of any medium is always another medium. The content of writing is speech, just as the written word is the content of print, and print is the content of the telegraph. If it is asked, "What is the content of speech?," it is necessary to say, "It is an actual process of thought, which is in itself nonverbal." An abstract painting represents direct manifestation of creative thought processes as they might appear in computer designs. What we are considering here, however, are the psychic and social consequences of the designs or patterns as they amplify or accelerate existing processes. For the "message" of any medium or technology is the change of scale or pace or pattern that it introduces into human affairs.
So what is the content of Ring videos? What is the content of Facial Recognition? In both instances, they are helping to build and make normal the AI controlled Surveillance and Control State. More from McLuhan.
In accepting an honorary degree from the University of Notre Dame a few years ago, General David Sarnoff made this statement: "We are too prone to make technological instruments the scapegoats for the sins of those who wield them. The products of modern science are not in themselves good or bad; it is the way they are used that determines their value." That is the voice of the current somnambulism. Suppose we were to say, "Apple pie is in itself neither good nor bad; it is the way it is used that determines its value." Or, "The smallpox virus is in itself neither good nor bad; it is the way it is used that determines its value." Again, "Firearms are in themselves neither good nor bad; it is the way they are used that determines their value." That is, if the slugs reach the right people firearms are good. If the TV tube fires the right ammunition at the right people it is good. I am not being perverse. There is simply nothing in the Sarnoff statement that will bear scrutiny, for it ignores the nature of the medium.
Today, we are awash in an ocean of media, transmitted by ever changing mediums, none of which are human like the content of the Play is the performance of the actors and the orchestra. The content of the Mandolin is the music it generated in the family living room as the children danced and sang. The content of what I experienced at the airport today will be manifested in all too many Leopold Kaplan’s. Here is how Kaplan meets his end in The Minority Report. It is a fact of our current affairs that there are millions of Anderton’s and hundreds of millions of “the crowd”.
Fascinated, the crowd glanced from Kaplan to Anderton. Everyone was familiar with the basic situation.
“Many men have been seized and imprisoned under the so-called prophylactic Precrime structure,” General Kaplan continued, his voice gaining feeling and strength. “Accused not of crimes they have committed, but of crimes they will commit. It is asserted that these men, if allowed to remain free, will at some future time commit felonies.”
“But there can be no valid knowledge about the future. As soon as precognitive information is obtained, it cancels itself out. The assertion that this man will commit a future crime is paradoxical. The very act of possessing this data renders it spurious. In every case, without exception, the report of the three police precogs had invalidated their own data. If no arrests had been made, there would still have been no crimes committed.”
Anderton listen idly, only half-hearing the words. The crowd, however, listened with great interest. General Kaplan was now gathering up a summary made from the minority report. He explained what it was and how it had come into existence.
From his coat pocket, Anderton slipped out his gun and held it in his lap. Already, Kaplan was laying aside the minority report, the precognitive material obtained from “Jerry.” His lean, bony fingers groped for the summary of first, “Donna,” and after that, “Mike.”
“This was the original majority report,” he explained. “The assertion, made by the first two precogs, that Anderton would commit a murder. Now here is the automatically invalidated material. I shall read it to you.” He whipped out his rimless glasses, fitted them to his nose, and started slowly to read.
A queer expression appeared on his face. He halted, stammered, and abruptly broke off. The papers fluttered from his hands. Like a cornered animal, he spun, crouched, and dashed from the speaker’s stand.
For an instant his distorted face flashed past Anderton. On his feet now, Anderton raised the gun, stepped quickly forward, and fired. Tangled up in the rows of feet projecting from the stairs that filled the platform, Kaplan gave a single shrill shriek of agony and fright. Like a ruined bird, he tumbled, fluttering and flailing, from the platform to the ground below. Anderton stepped to the railing, but it was already over.
Kaplan, as the majority report had asserted, was dead. His thin chest was a smoking cavity of darkness, crumbling ash that broke loose as the body lay twitching.
We are all, soon to be, Leopold Kaplan’s.
Well written Mike. The bevy of cameras lining the rural roadways around my home are a threatening reminder of the techno police state we know live in. Nests of surveillance cameras at all key intersections. Out in the country no less.
The post 911 airport security around the world has erked me for years and I don’t have to endure the US TSA. It’s like you are criminal being admitted to prison. Body search, photos, weapons check, empty all pockets. Wheres the delousing? The rights breaches to use private companies and no 1 says boo. It will never change, because Americans have to cuck to the “thanks for your service” and that doesn’t work very well when you have to accept the terrorism threat is overblown, and usually a result of Americans poor conduct internationally.