Trump: “Venimus, vidimus, Deus vicit”
The Demoncrats think their lawfare can stop Trump's Herculean effort to #MAGA, they need to be told "NO!"
Publius Cynicus posts the following on this morning:
As you watch the various Democrat/federal court delaying tactics against Trump 2.0, realize what they are:
The Democrats today are like the German Wehrmacht in the Russian steppes in 1944. They are losing at every turn and are desperately fighting a retreat battle as they withdraw back to Germany. Any localized victories against the Soviets were only delaying the inevitable defeat of the Nazis. That's what Dems are currently doing, fighting a rearguard battle against an enemy they cannot defeat.
They are hoping their delaying tactics will string out the MAGA agenda until the mid-terms, where they can win and then start impeaching Trump again. To them, the mid-terms are the equivalent of Hitler's "Wonder Weapons."
But it's not going to work. MAGA is moving too quick and is too powerful. We'll be at the Democrat's Berlin bunker soon.
This is the defeat of the Mohammedans at the Siege of Vienna where our President, Like Don John Sobieski the hero of Vienna, is Don John of Mara-a-lago. An army of 120,000 led by a man, Ali Mustafa, who promised King Leopold he was literally going to sodomize his wife and daughters after he broke through the city's walls.
Nearly identically what every Dem in power was promising the father of every innocent American school girl. Sobieski said in declaring victory.
“Venimus, vidimus, Deus vicit”
We came, we saw, God conquered. The Ottomans would mount one last attempt to take Christendom at Lepanto but their armada was sunk to the bottom of the sea by Don John of Austria's Holy Fleet. Don John of Mar-A-Lago's routing of the Dem's institution by institution is dealing a crippling blow to their greatest asset: a never ending supply of the American People's money.
When Don Elon is done there, the smoldering remains of the Democrat Party will turn on each other over the remaining scraps and we will have front row seats to it, here on X! Ali Mustafa was ordered hanged by a silk thread on Christmas day.
What will be the fate of the Dems responsible for so much loss of life, misery and suffering? I’m not sure but I will repeat again, these criminals deserve and shoulkd receive No Quarter!