Told Ya So: PizzaGate Is Real & The Wall Street Journal Is Confirming It
Stanford University & The WSJ have completed their investigation & confirmed that pedo sex rings traffic children using "cheese pizza" as code
“The demons are ascendent; they’ve come for the children and they won’t take ‘no’ for an answer.” - Me, March 2016
“And whosoever shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me; it were better for him that a millstone were hanged around his neck, and he were cast into the sea.” - The Incarnate Wisdom

During the Great Reset’s Shamdemic™ I did a series of radio shows on the real reasons for “social media” being created; I listed the reasons why almost anyone using social media to promote The Good, The True and The Beautiful were bound to fail by that media’s own metrics of success: the amount of $$$ and sheer number of “followers” that are earned — measures of the Vain and Prideful if there ever were any. I explained that these “media'“ were created for the explicit purpose of promoting and defending “progress”, which viewed in the raw abstract, again, are numerical valuations that are completely devoid of any moral or ethical restraints i.e. a 2 minute film of a Latin Mass Schola populated with young people, singing the Gloria, will pull 2.5k “Likes” and 75 “Retweets” on Twattuh while a film of similar length showing 2 depraved, young black females, fist mauling a white woman’s face into a bloody pulp at a cellphone store will score 2.5 million “Likes” and 35k “Retweets”. My example is exaggerated and simplified but if you plug in different “good” and “bad” inputs, the formula is sound.
By now, reader, you’re asking, “c’mon TKD, what does any of this have to do with ‘Pizzagate’ and ‘Adrenochroming’?”
Well, the simple answer is this: social media has provided a global, instantaneous vehicle for the transmission and metastasizing of sexual depravity and specifically the sexual corruption, trafficking, then perversion of children. Of course it is the physical act of pederasty that ultimately attempts to kill the child’s soul by literally drawing the life out of it. The Wall Street Journal & Stanford University (see below) have just published an investigative report on this very subject that blows the lid off of these abominable acts and may finally bring them into the full light of day. Maybe.
Remember, back in 2020 the documentary film was released “Out of Shadows”; made by a pair of Hollywood stuntmen who could no longer turn their backs on what they saw the stars and makers of the films they worked on, doing, when the cameras weren’t rolling. Here’s the part of “Shadows” where journalist Liz Crokin is interviewed about the “Pizzagate” story she was working on that got her fired. (video courtesy of Out of Shadows).
When I first started talking about this film, during the early phase of the Shamdemic’s Great Reset, the listeners who took me up on my exhortation to watch the film, like me, couldn’t or more likely, didn’t want to believe what they saw, but I believe we were slowly able to accept the film’s conclusion because we saw what nearly every powerful person on earth was willing to do to hundreds of millions of children in the form of “lockdowns”. Lockdowns were designed to deprive children of the social structures they had known their whole lives and replaced them with a hand-groomed, online, diabolical alternative. Thus a most imperfect yet reliably imperfect “norm” was shattered as were the lives and psyches of hundreds of millions of children. This was the beginning of Groomgate, Pizzagate’s “evil twin”. More from Out of Shadows.
The Ascendent Demons And The Pedophiles They Possess Are On Meta’s Instagram
The Wall Street Journal, Stanford University and the Levine Center at U Mass Amherst all contributed to what should be an earth shattering report of how the ascendent demons inspire their possessed charges to traffic and molest children.
Instagram, the popular social-media site owned by Meta. Platforms, helps connect and promote a vast network of accounts openly devoted to the commission and purchase of underage-sex content, according to investigations by The Wall Street Journal and researchers at Stanford University and the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Pedophiles have long used the internet, but unlike the forums and file-transfer services that cater to people who have interest in illicit content, Instagram doesn’t merely host these activities. Its algorithms promote them. Instagram connects pedophiles and guides them to content sellers via recommendation systems that excel at linking those who share niche interests, the Journal and the academic researchers found.
Though out of sight for most on the platform, the sexualized accounts on Instagram are brazen about their interest. The researchers found that Instagram enabled people to search explicit hashtags such as #pedowhore and #preteensex and connected them to accounts that used the terms to advertise child-sex material for sale. Such accounts often claim to be run by the children themselves and use overtly sexual handles incorporating words such as “little slut for you.”
Instagram accounts offering to sell illicit sex material generally don’t publish it openly, instead posting “menus” of content. Certain accounts invite buyers to commission specific acts. Some menus include prices for videos of children harming themselves and “imagery of the minor performing sexual acts with animals,” researchers at the Stanford Internet Observatory found. At the right price, children are available for in-person “meet ups.” [emphasis mine]
Go back to the top and read what I wrote there about social media and what it’s actually made to do: promote and spread “progressive” ideas and sex with children is the ultimate “progressive” prize the Rainbow Purification Leaguer’s are promoting this June. The Journal’s report is stunning in its sordid details that in a sane world would have already triggered an investigation by the California AG and that Judge Roy Bean wannabe AG Merrick Garland, but alas, predictably, this is all they have said to date.
More from the WSJ report.
In many cases, Instagram has permitted users to search for terms that its own algorithms know may be associated with illegal material. In such cases, a pop-up screen for users warned that “These results may contain images of child sexual abuse,” and noted that production and consumption of such material causes “extreme harm” to children. The screen offered two options for users: “Get resources” and “See results anyway.” [see PEDO results anyway!? WTF!?]
In response to questions from the Journal, Instagram removed the option for users to view search results for terms likely to produce illegal images. The company declined to say why it had offered the option.
The pedophilic accounts on Instagram mix brazenness with superficial efforts to veil their activity, researchers found. Certain emojis function as a kind of code, such as an image of a map—shorthand for “minor-attracted person”—or one of “cheese pizza,” which shares its initials with “child pornography,” according to Levine of UMass. Many declare themselves “lovers of the little things in life.”
Accounts identify themselves as “seller” or “s3ller,” and many state their preferred form of payment in their bios. These seller accounts often convey the child’s purported age by saying they are “on chapter 14,” or “age 31” followed by an emoji of a reverse arrow. [emphasis mine]

It should be no surprise by now that the utter depravity of John Podesta doesn’t end there. I did some digging on what a “goldfish” might have to do with a pedophile. Well Hell’s bells; Podesta’s even more sick than I thought he was a mere 2 minutes ago.
The actual inspiration is from an obscure 1960’s case in China of one Fong Long Fai who was convicted of multiple counts of raping children after luring them away from guardians by promising to “take them to see the goldfish”.
For those wondering why Podesta’s pedo-glyphics matter, go back and watch the 2nd Shadows clip (above) and read the entire WSJ report; the pedo “community” has learned to communicate their sick fantasies and criminal conquests in code & emojis.
SUBSTACK FLASHBACK: World War P - How SBF, FTX & Ba'alenciaga Launched A World War On Children
This was the crux of the PizzaGate case covered above in Shadows i.e. the triangle inside a triangle image is the globally accepted, pedo-symbol for a man who wants sex with a boy, a fact that all 5th Estate State owned media denied during the PizzaGate scandal (which the WSJ report deftly avoids…hmmmm, I wonder why?).

REVEALED - The Satanic Reality of AI At Meta
The WSJ report also proves my opening statement on the purpose and indeed the now very publicly exposed “success” of social media, to that end, with Instagram being the king er dragqueen of them all.
In some instances, Instagram’s recommendations systems directly undercut efforts by its own safety staff. After the company decided to crack down on links from a specific encrypted file-transfer service notorious for transmitting child-sex content, Instagram blocked searches for its name.
Instagram’s AI-driven hashtag suggestions didn’t get the message. Despite refusing to show results for the service’s name, the platform’s autofill feature recommended that users try variations on the name with the words “boys” and “CP” added to the end.
The company tried to disable those hashtags amid its response to the queries by the Journal. But within a few days Instagram was again recommending new variations of the service’s name that also led to accounts selling purported underage-sex content.
Following the company’s initial sweep of accounts brought to its attention by Stanford and the Journal, UMass’s Levine checked in on some of the remaining underage seller accounts on Instagram. As before, viewing even one of them led Instagram to recommend new ones. Instagram’s suggestions were helping to rebuild the network that the platform’s own safety staff was in the middle of trying to dismantle. [emphasis - mine]
The obvious, easy solution to this abomination is to develop the same algorithms used to identify words like MAGA and sodomite they don’t like and teach them to spot the naked human form at all ages and do what they do to my MAGA posts: delete them for “rules violations”. In the WSj story, Instagram admits (see above) that they can identify obscenity but then give the user the option to view it!
I’ll wrap up this part of this report with a question: is Meta i.e. Instagram masquerading as a “social media site” for normies but really acting as a digital swap meet for the global pedo cartels? As an Instagram account holder (I rarely use the app but we post some of my Mike Church Show content there) I must ask the question: is using this service while knowing what others are using it for, a breach of Christian ethics? I am praying upon that question and I hope that many others are too.
This exposé gives Louisiana and other states who are reviving obscenity statutes and applying them to the internet, lots to debate. Their citizens’ eternal destination may be at stake.
1 If Trafficked By Land 2 If Trafficked By Sea
Do you believe me now? The ascendent demons that “have come for the children” are in control of the planet’s largest entities and most powerful people and they ply their diabolical craft in broad daylight while being cheered on by a Lilith-lusting media that’s either complicit or as dumb of the box of hammers they mock red-blooded ‘Muricans for carrying around on tool-belts to repair their bidets and boudoirs. But though battles have been lost, the war is not and God’s army is being raised.
“In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”
Mel Gibson and Jim Caviezel are simply heroic in their efforts to dramatize this evil through their art of film. Watch a teary eyed Caviezel talk about his upcoming film exposing the horrors of child sex trafficking, the Sound of Freedom.
Gibson is also working on a 4 part documentary on what he says is “$34 BILLION per year” in child sex trafficking. You can learn more about that here. But, we may say with some excitement, the revolt against grooming, trafficking and the “pride” that drives so much of it is now finally being met with manly fortitude. In Florida, billboards are being purchased to promote the Sacred Heart of Jesus Month that is June.
In Texas rosary rallies are being planned at the Alamo and the good Catholics of Pittsburgh have thwarted a diabolical effort to host a “Pride Mass” at Dusquene University. I believe we are at a watershed moment in the history of Christendom, folks and that the Paraclete has begun “teaching [us] all things” necessary to defend Christ’s rights and restore His Christian decency to our public affairs. But, the damage is so extensive and the evil so entrenched the soldier of the dark night (and yes, knight!) must prepare for war, not merely a battle. I will close with words of Professor John Senior in The Restoration of Christian Culture (available here).
MYSTICAL ROSE, TOWER OF DAVID, TOWER OF IVORY, HOUSE of Gold, Ark of the Covenant, Gate of Heaven, Morning Star … Why is the Blessed Virgin called these marvelous, mysterious things? Richard of St. Victor, a spiritual master of the middle ages, says in a cryptic Latin phrase, Ubi amor ibi oculus–“wherever love is, there the eye is also,” which means that the lover is the only one who really sees the truth about the person or the thing he loves….
This is the language the Blessed Virgin Mary understands; it is the language of the love of God, the only one she understands.
I believe, and it is the theme and thesis of this book, that true devotion to Mary is now our only recourse. Like many Catholics, I have been troubled and confused in the years since this Dark Night of the Church set in.
“I sleep and my heart watcheth.”
Our Lady of Walsingham, ora pro nobis!
I went an found the WSJ (under Tech)., it’s quite shocking. I heard Jordan Peterson say there are way more pedos out there than we can fathom - the stats the WSJ discussed suggests that. they insert the reference to cheese pizza (which they say has acronym for CP =child porn) late in the piece and interestingly avoid any reference to pizza gate. It depends on the journo at WSJ but it is really the only news I read besides this one. I like there unemotional style.
Hmmmm...let's see what Politifact has to say about this:
Surprise (not).