Told Ya So! BigGuyGate™ Was Well Documented Back In 2019
And I narrated the English version of the blockbuster UkraineGate series for French journalist Olivier Burruyer!
Oh, what a glorious announcement this was from the GOP Oversight Committee and yes, they actually DO have evidence…mountains of it.

How do I know? because I’ve seen it.
As Rep. Comer ticked off the investigation points one by one, I shouted into my radio microphone on today’s Mike Church Show “yes!….yes!….yes!….YES!!TOLD YA!!!”
Anyone that bothered to take a cursory glance at what The Big Guy was doing abroad with his Veep powers from 2009-2017 would have discovered a web of international crime so brazen that your first reaction would have been “C O N SP I R A C Y!!” “How could they do this out in the open for so long and for so much $$$ that NOBODY noticed!?” you would cry.
Like Mandalay Bay mass murderer Stephen Paddock, they had demonic assistance which happens when you agree to mutilate and murder the children in your country for the purpose of harvesting souls and Chrome and then assist in trafficking children for sex parties across the rest of the planet for those you missed the first go round.
“A bit over the top, TKD!!” OK, I am going to butt out here and challenge you, especially the journos who read this page to watch internationally acclaimed investigative journalist Olivier Burruyer’s UkraineGate series I helped narrate into ‘Murican and report back. Here are part I and then part II. Below is Part III where my narration begins.

That was Part III, here is Part IV “Shokin Strikes Back”.

In December & January 2019, I volunteered my time to narrate UkraineGate after seeing episode I & II and being blown away for the attention to detail and eyewitness accounts of The Biden Crime Family’s corruption in Ukraine and beyond. For the record, I posted and promoted this series on my radio show, its website and news department and on every social media outlet I had access to and after Trump beat Shampeachment 1.0, no one cared to hear or see about.
That was OBVIOUSLY a mistake, one that can be made up for now. Maybe it will help many see the REAL reason we are laundering tens of billions through Ukraine pretending we’re fight a war for “the liberty of the people of Ukraine!!!” If that were the case then the first casualty of such a war would be to bring an end to the theft of Biden, the Romneys, Pelosi’s, Kerrys, Clintons and their Oligarch/criminal pals in Ukraine who cheat the people of Ukraine out of BILLIONS in tax revenues through the money laundering and other schemes.
EVERYTHING you’ve heard about Hunter and Big Guy is true and then some and I pray to God we all get to see it, on CSPAN, on:
BigGuyGate™ Season 1!
Do you ever sleep? In any case keep it up.