The World Needs A Devotion That's Above Tech & Luxury, Let's Try The Immaculate Heart of Mary
Mary is the most painted, sculpted and drawn human in world history, there's a reason for that!

On this day in 2014, I turned control of my life over to the most wonderful woman in the world, her name is Mary. Since, I have witnessed miracles including the conversion to the Catholic Faith of at least 30 souls. We’re all familiar with what evil is manifest in our world, a recap of which is not necessary. Sadly, so few are aware of the beauty and holiness that is in our world which can be seen on every continent and among every race of men on Earth: Devotion the The Immaculate Heart of Mary. This feast was made for the Universal Church by Pope Pius IX. Please don’t scroll past this splendid history of the Immaculate Conception and Our Mother’s Immaculate Heart.
All these things our illustrious predecessor, Alexander VII, summed up in these words: “We have in mind the fact that the Holy Roman Church solemnly celebrated the Feast of the Conception of the undefiled and ever-Virgin Mary, and has long ago appointed for this a special and proper Office according to the pious, devout, and laudable instruction which was given by our predecessor, Sixtus IV. Likewise, we were desirous, after the example of our predecessors, to favor this praiseworthy piety, devotion, feast and veneration — a veneration which is in keeping with the piety unchanged in the Roman Church from the day it was instituted. We also desired to protect this piety and devotion of venerating and extolling the most Blessed Virgin preserved from original sin by the grace of the Holy Spirit. Moreover, we were anxious to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace in the flock of Christ by putting down arguments and controversies and by removing scandals. So at the instance and request of the bishops mentioned above, with the chapters of the churches, and of King Philip and his kingdoms, we renew the Constitutions and Decrees issued by the Roman Pontiffs, our predecessors, especially Sixtus IV, Paul V, and Gregory XV, in favor of the doctrine asserting that the soul of the Blessed Virgin, in its creation and infusion into the body, was endowed with the grace of the Holy Spirit and preserved from original sin; and also in favor of the feast and veneration of the conception of the Virgin Mother of God, which, as is manifest, was instituted in keeping with that pious belief. So we command this feast to be observed under the censures and penalties contained in the same Constitutions.
“And therefore, against all and everyone of those who shall continue to construe the said Constitutions and Decrees in a manner apt to frustrate the favor which is thereby given to the said doctrine, and to the feast and relative veneration, or who shall dare to call into question the said sentence, feast and worship, or in any way whatever, directly or indirectly, shall declare themselves opposed to it under any pretext whatsoever, were it but only to the extent of examining the possibilities of effecting the definition, or who shall comment upon and interpret the Sacred Scripture, or the Fathers or Doctors in connection therewith, or finally, for any reason, or on any occasion, shall dare, either in writing or verbally, to speak, preach, treat, dispute or determine upon, or assert whatsoever against the foregoing matters, or who shall adduce any arguments against them, while leaving them unresolved, or who shall disagree therewith in any other conceivable manner, we hereby declare that in addition to the penalties and censures contained in the Constitutions issued by Sixtus IV to which we want them to be subjected and to which we subject them by the present Constitution, we hereby decree that they be deprived of the authority of preaching, reading in public, that is to say teaching and interpreting; and that they be also deprived ipso facto of the power of voting, either actively or passively, in all elections, without the need for any further declaration; and that also, ipso facto, without any further declaration, they shall incur the penalty of perpetual disability from preaching, reading in public, teaching and interpreting, and that it shall not be possible to absolve them from such penalty, or remove it, save through ourselves, or the Roman Pontiffs who shall succeed us.
Did you know: Our Lady is the subject of the most beautiful pieces of art in world history (in quantity and quality)? This post’s title art is Peter Paul Ruben's "Immaculate Conception" (1628) on display at the Museo del Prado in Madrid Spain! The same museum also has this version of the Immaculate Conception by Francisco Rizi.

This day in Advent, let us turn our attention away from the darkness of The Biden Regime, the ascendency of the demons who seek to poison the world’s children with sodomy and the world’s men with the evil impurity that is pornography, to she who is the antidote of them all: Mother Mary. I try and live my life by the creed of Saint Pio i.e.
“Pray, hope and don’t worry!”
This, I do not believe fair reader, is possible without a devotion to Our Blessed Mother and this devotion of which I write is not that of a sycophant carrying out his perfunctory bows and salutations. Nay, it is one that is filled with a burning love that is both given and received. It is this love that drove the Knights of the Temple, carrying the words of Our Lady’s greatest advocate of the middle ages, Saint Bernard, into holy battle against the Mohammedans. This devotion will carry us into the same battle against even more formidable foes. Trust me on that score, my friends.
Let us close this most solemn and blessed feast with the words of Dom Prosper Gueranger and an exhortation to consider consecrating yourself to Her Immaculate Heart per the formula of Saint Louis de Montfort.
At length, on the distant horizon, rises, with a soft and radiant light, the aurora of the Sun which has been so long desired. The happy Mother of the Messias was to be born before the Messias himself ; and this is the day of the Conception of Mary. The earth already possesses a first pledge of the divine mercy ; the Son of Man is near at hand. Two true Israelites, Joachim and Anne, noble branches of the family of David, find their union, after a long barrenness, made fruitful by the divine omnipotence. Glory be to God, who has been mindful of his promises, and who deigns to announce, from the high heavens, the end of the deluge of iniquity, by -sending upon the earth the sweet white Dove that bears the tidings of peace !
Raise up your heads, then, ye children of Adam, and shake off your chains! This day, the humiliation, which weighed you down, is annihilated. Behold ! Mary, she who is of the same flesh and blood as your-selves, has seen the torrent of sin, which swept along all the generations of mankind, she has seen it flow back at her presence and not touch her ; the infernal dragon has turned away his head, daring not to breathe his venom upon her; the dignity of your origin is given to her in all its primitive grandeur. This happy day, then, on which the original purity of your race is renewed, must be a Feast to you. The Second Eve is created, and from her own blood, (which, with the exception of the element of sin, is the same as that which makes you to be the children of Adam,) she is shortly to give you the God-Man, who proceeds from her according to the flesh, as he proceeds from the Father according to the eternal generation.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, ora pro nobis!