The UK's stunning move ordering Apple to open backdoors to all their UK user's phones, iPads and Macs should be seen for what it is: their attempt to secure their place in history books as "worse than Hitler". Apple's response (not that they had any choice) may be worse than Starmer's tyranny because if you are anywhere else in the world and you message someone on iOS or Mac OS in the UK, the new Gaystapo now has YOUR data and your communications.
The whole point of "end to end encryption" is to seal the bad guys off from getting INTO the system, User Woe to The World informs me that...
UK told Apple to backdoor a new feature that closed the longstanding iCloud backup subpoena loophole every state on the planet has used for a decade. Apple told them to pound sand. UK users are now back to 2022 levels of security. The law is the problem, not the response.
It won't be long when folks will be going back to fountain pens, linen paper and wax seals which provide verifiable, physical proof of end to end security.
I have to wonder what Steve Jobs would have told Starmer. In 2009, Jobs, when at a dinner party, was ordered by Starmer fan-boy Barry Obama to "move your iPhone production back to the United States", famously deadpanned to Obama "those jobs aren't coming back".
Just last week, JDVance heroically ripped the sheets off of Starmer's empire of suppression and thought censorship and the world's government funded stooges howled in protest. The same stooges are now secretly gloating and saying to each other between Anti-DOGE songs.
“Who's howling now, bitch?”
Hannah Arendt laid bare what totalitarians like Starmer and the rest of the WEF crime syndicate plan to do and that they necessarily triumph over and devour the previous evil regime.
"Somehow, it was not the fault of the born adventurers, those who by their very nature dwelt outside society and all political bodies, that they found in imperialism a political game that was endless by definition. They were not supposed to know that in politics, an endless game can end only in catastrophe and that political secrecy hardly ever leads to anything nobler than the vulgar duplicity of a spy.
The joke on these players of the Great Game was that their employers knew what they wanted and used their passion for anonymity for ordinary spying. But this triumph of profit-hungry investors was temporary, and they were duly cheated when, a few decades later, they met the players of the game of totalitarianism—a game played without ulterior motives like profit and therefore with such murderous efficiency that it devoured even those who financed it." - Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism
That the UK has now become a superior villain to the evil it rallied the world to stop (the Nazis) is settled is beyond "ironic", it's downright Satanic. Don McLean saw the whole thing coming when he sang "I saw Satan laughing with delight...". Simon and Garfunkel lamented "where have you gone Joe Dimaggio, a nation turns its lonely eyes to you..." Who can Britons turn their "lonely [censored] eyes to, Piers Morgan!?
I have a clue for them: ALL roads [in the UK] used to lead there.