The New Christendom Daily
The Mike Church Show
The Left's Hatred Of America Is What Drove Biden's Disastrous Debate

The Left's Hatred Of America Is What Drove Biden's Disastrous Debate

The Mike Church Show Episode 1950


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1st Presidential Debate

AUDIO/VIDEO: Jill Biden to Joe Biden After the Debate - You did such a good job Joe. You answered every question!

  • This reminds me of a t-ball mom.

  • When her child comes off the field after spending the entire game catching bugs w/ his glove, telling him he ‘did such a good job’!

  • The debate was a complete and total poop show.

  • Biden was pale, frail and incoherent at times.

  • Whatever you think of Trump, he showed up and showed out last night.

  • The contrast was crystal clear.

  • He went there ready to fight.

  • It was on from the first answer!

  • When the camera would pan to Biden when Trump was talking, I’m not exaggerating, he had a blank stare, w/ his mouth wide open.

  • He was lost, completely lost.

  • Last night Donald Trump was very reserved.

  • He didn’t shout, he didn’t talk over Joe he was very respectful.

  • Last night the only person on that stage that got angry and shouted was Joe Biden.

HEADLINE: Joe Biden’s Catastrophic Debate Performance Sends Dems into Panic Mode by Debra Heine

The Federalist Party

  • Jackson’s Presidency and his insanity ended the Democrat party.

  • They saw it coming.

  • This could be another moment like that one.

  • What does this mean for the Democrat party?

  • The old man only came to life when he was talking about abortion, killing babies!

Presidential Debate

  • I think they set the old man up.

  • You can’t tell me John King and Joy Reid and all the talking heads were ready w/ the company line they needed to find someone else.

  • His own party sabotaged him.

  • They sent him to Waffle House like he is some average American.

  • They have to move quick on this.

  • States have rules

Thus ends the PREVIEW Audio|Transcript|Links to All Media from Today’s Mike Church Show. To get the entire 3 Hour Radio Show, Transcript and links to everything Mike Discussed, delivered to your email box, use the SUBSCRIBE NOW Button Below! 

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