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Mar-a-Lago and the FBI
There are 58 guest rooms there.
Donald Trump’s family lives there.
They were willing to shoot fellow Secret Service members!
These people are OUT OF CONTROL!
The FBI agents were told to ‘dress down’ w/ no FBI markings on them before entering.
Why is that?
They CHOSE to also do this at night!
Did Ron DeSantis know this was going down before it happened?
Did Ron DeSantis’ office get a call from AG Merrick Garland?
Where the documents were just an excuse to show up with guns?
If you get the shoot out, it's a win.
If you don't get the shootout, you get a court date, which is also a win.
The fact that Biden had tons of documents too proves it's not about the intel.
Let’s start w/ the Attorney General - it is NOT a position that is called for in the US Constitution.
QUESTION: Haven’t we always had one?
Washington hired former VA Governor Edmund Randolph into his term at the request of Thomas Jefferson.
Edmund Randolph was told by Washington, I have these problems and I don’t have time to deal w/ them so I am getting you to do them for ME.
The AG does not discharge his own singular Constitutional duty.
He can only discharge powers GRANTED TO THE PRESIDENT.
When Merrick Garland says “I authorized the raid on Mar-a-Lago” he wasn’t acting in his own power or capacity.
He was acting on the authority by President Joe Biden.
You can then make the statement, Joe Biden enacted the raid on Mar-a-Lago and to use deadly force against a former president and soon to be political rival.
SERIOUSLY - it is impossible to fathom that this has actually occurred in the United States of America.
So now you can go after political opponents in the US and if that doesn’t work just go ahead and kill them.
I can’t wait to hear what Karine Jean-Pierre is asked about this today at the WH press conference.
FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago
Tons of new unsealed filings on classified docs case--I will try to post as much as I can (there goes the workout) but this is mind-blowing. FBI authorized the use of deadly force at Mar-a-Lago.
Armed FBI agents were preparing to confront Trump and even engage Secret Service if necessary.
They were going to go door to door to terrorize MAL guests and even pick the locks.
FBI had a medic on the scene and identified a local trauma center for anyone "injured" during the raid.
Head of Washington FBI field office when this was executed: Steven D’Antuono.
Recall who authorized the raid: Merrick Garland
The FBI risked the lives of Donald Trump, his family, his staff, and MAL guests for a publicity stunt to make it look like Trump stole national security files.
Have you tried to look up on Google FBI brandishing weapons?
You won’t find one.
Especially not at Mar-a-Lago even though you know they went in w/ guns anticipating a shoot out.
Thus ends the PREVIEW Audio|Transcript|Links to All Media from Today’s Mike Church Show. To get the entire 3 Hour Radio Show, Transcript and links to everything Mike Discussed, delivered to your email box, use the SUBSCRIBE NOW Button Below!
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