QUESTION: Which of these 2 buildings is a Catholic Church in Liverpool, named for Saint Bede and which is an Aztec temple where children were sacrificed to Moloch?
If you haven’t been keeping up with current events, while Catholics in the U.S. who honor Sacred Tradition—Radical Traditional Catholics or #RTC’s— are being investigated by the FBI in the UK, Catholic priests are being arrested and tried for the crime of praying on a public street and having a pro-childbirth bumper sticker on his Bentley.
A local priest, Father Sean Gough, was also acquitted of criminal charges Thursday after he, too, was found praying in the same censorship zone. He had faced a charge of “intimidating service-users” of the abortion clinic after he was found silently holding a sign that read “praying for free speech,” according to ADF UK, which represented him. Gough also had a small “unborn lives matter” bumper sticker on his car parked in the area.

But the return of Moloch’s minions isn’t limited to priests in the UK.

Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, a British woman who was arrested last year for praying silently outside an abortion clinic in Birmingham, has been formally acquitted of all criminal charges.
The ruling was handed down Thursday morning by Birmingham Magistrates’ Court, according to Alliance Defending Freedom UK, the law firm representing Vaughan-Spruce.
“I’m glad I’ve been vindicated of any wrongdoing. But I should never have been arrested for my thoughts and treated like a criminal simply for silently praying on a public street,” Vaughan-Spruce said in a public statement after the ruling.
This is the interior of the aforementioned “church” in Liverpool that routinely desecrates the holy legacy of the Venerable Bede AND their recent “outreach” to the LGBTQ+++ who claim they are “catholics”.
If you don’t know the story, Saint Thomas Beckett was martyred while saying Mass at Canterbury Cathedral. Here is Canterbury Cathedral today.

Saint Thomas Beckett, like Father Gough, was cited by the government, our Saint by King Henry and the latter by the police of Birmingham, for public acts of piety and fidelity to the King of Kings and his one, True, Holy and Apostolic Church. While Fr.Gough was denied the palm of red martyrdom he has certainly borne the honor of white martyrdom. As Dom Prosper Gueranger tells us, St Beckett’s fidelity was rewarded with martyrdom.
Thus did our glorious Martyr, the type of a Bishop of the Church, consummate his sacrifice, thus did he gain his victory; and his victory will produce the total abolition of the sinful laws which would have made the Church the creature of the State, and an object of contempt to the people. The tomb of the Saint will become an Altar; and at the foot of that Altar there will one day kneel a penitent King, humbly praying for pardon and blessing. What has wrought this change? Has the death of Thomas of Canterbury stirred up the people to revolt? Has his Martyrdom found its avengers? No. It is the blood of one, who died for Christ, producing its fruit. The world is hard to teach, else it would have long since learned this truth—that a Christian people can never see with indifference a Pastor put to death for fidelity to his charge; and that a Government that dares to make a Martyr will pay dearly for the crime.
We must pray that the government of the UK (and Birmingham) will be restored to communion with the Holy See and the Faith of Venerable Bede and Saint Thomas Beckett.
I personally have met the Remnant of Catholicism in the UK’s leader, Joseph Shaw and can tell you that there is a Traditional Catholic presence there but the Liverpoolians are the majority and what the public sees. So if you want to be Catholic, honor Tradition, and give public witness to it, it’s now illegal in the UK but that won’t stop the Fr. Gough’s per Saint Thomas Beckett. As my friend the author Joseph Pearce reminds us:
All roads lead to Walsingham.
Our Lady of Walsingham, ora pro nobis!
UPDATE: Received this from a former reader (I apologize for my typo, BTW).
"On Friday, February 17th, 2023 at 7:00 AM, Sheila Cumber**** <***> wrote:
Its Conversion, not It's. Unsubscribe."
Me: A typo, which was corrected, gets an "unsubscribe"!? Wow, we really are screwed. Unsubscribe yourself, ma'am.
Received this from a former reader (I apologize for my typo, BTW).
"On Friday, February 17th, 2023 at 7:00 AM, Sheila Cumber**** <***> wrote:
Its Conversion, not It's. Unsubscribe."
Me: A typo, which was corrected, gets an "unsubscribe"!? Wow, we really are screwed. Unsubscribe yourself, ma'am.
That structure (I hesitate to call it a church) has to be the most hideous he'll begotten thing I have seen , inside and out, in a long time. It's clear that there are 2 faiths being practiced in The Church today, one Holy and one not so much.
Mary's Dowry
Ad Jesum Per Mariam