The New Christendom Daily
The Mike Church Show
Preview Of The Don vs The Damned!

Preview Of The Don vs The Damned!

The Mike Church Show Episode 1949


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1st Presidential Debate Tonight in Atlanta

  • So there is a pair of moderators.

  • There will be 29 fact checkers.

  • There will be 2 podiums.

  • There will be 2 microphones.

  • Microphones will be muted between questions so the other person can respond w/o interruptions.

HEADLINE: Biden–Trump First Debate: Here’s What You Need to Know and How to Watch It by Emel Akan and Janice Hisle

  • Remember they said that Donald Trump would get tired of this president thing.

  • That after he lost in 2020 he would just go away.

  • Why does he continue?

  • It can’t be b/c he is padding his fortune.

  • Can you imagine what it has cost him just in court issues b/w the attorneys and all that?

  • Why does his MAGA base stay?

  • Why didn’t they abandon him after he was convicted?

  • Why did people jump on board after his convictions?

  • If anyone has anything to lose it is Biden.

  • His campaign is failing, his policies are failing, his border polices are a complete failure so he is the one that has to put on a good show tonight.

  • The Democrats have always taken the black votes for granted.

  • They hold the key to all the government handouts for the blacks so they automatically assume all blacks will vote Democrat.

  • Debt added recently -

  • Joe Biden has spent over 50 years in Congress and Senate and the WH, he is more responsible for the debt than Trump.

  • He has ‘worked’ in politics his entire life.

Tucker Carlson Australian Freedom Conference

Redistribution of Wealth

Illegal Immigration

  • I think people have just seen enough of it.

  • Abject poverty is a very big motivator for the average human.

  • I think we are at the “okay it is time to do something about this now”.

Thus ends the PREVIEW Audio|Transcript|Links to All Media from Today’s Mike Church Show. To get the entire 3 Hour Radio Show, Transcript and links to everything Mike Discussed, delivered to your email box, use the SUBSCRIBE NOW Button Below! 

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