Its The Mother of God, Stupid
Fatima Matters & The Events Triggered By Russia/Ukraine Now Carry The Weight of Biblical Magnitude
“It’s the economy, stupid.” - James Carville, 1992

Let me start by stating what should be obvious these days: screw “the economy” and the con-men who’ve made it their personal slush fund the last 6 decades. There are now events set in motion that no matter or measure of material wealth i.e. economics can parry with: Pope Francis will extend his act of consecrating Russia to The Immaculate Heart of Mary beyond the Vatican and the previously mentioned Bishop of Fatima, to the entire Universal Church, all her Bishops and all Her priests at 5:00pm Rome time, 25 March 2022.
This is the most significant religious event, scratch that, Catholic religious event in my adult life. Like it or not, it is the most significant in your life, too. Reader, can you fathom what is taking place here? Start with the Holy Father’s letter released late yesterday evening on the Feast of St Patrick (that’s not a coincidence).
If you would like to copy the text for publishing elsewhere, here it is:
In the context of the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine, the Holy Father, Pope Francis will lead an Act of Consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on the Feast of the Annunciation, March 25th next. The Holy Father intends to invite each Bishop, or equivalent in law, together with his priests, to join in this act of consecration, if possible, at an hour corresponding to 5pm Rome time. In the coming days, the Holy Father will address a letter of invitation to the Bishops, enclosing the text of the Prayer of Consecration in the various languages. I write now, asking you to inform the members of the USCCB and, through them, the priests of the various dioceses and eparchies of the country, about the Holy Father's invitation.
The same information will be shared with the federal authorities in Washington, D.C. and with the Diplomatic Corps of this capital. An invitation is being extended to the members of the same Corps to attend a Mass offered by Cardinal Wilton Gregory, Archbishop of Washington, at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception at 12 noon on Friday, March 251h next.
Grateful for your collaboration, I assure you of my good wishes and remain,
Christophe Pierre
Papal Nuncio
My friend Michael Hichborn actually predicted this chain of events last week. You have to recognize the aspect that the Prince of Lies is being pridefully tricked into his own client’s (the WEF Satanists) undoing if Hichborn is correct.
I said on my Friday video cast a couple of weeks ago (when the Ukrainian bishops requested the consecration) that in a twist of supreme Divine Irony, Bergoglio will do this, and is the only one who could actually obtain the cooperation of all bishops of the world.
1) He will do it for purely political reasons. Ukraine is in crisis and the recipient of Russian aggression. It would polish his image to do as the Ukrainian bishops requested.
2) The good bishops who understand the importance of this act will participate, happily.
3) The sycophantic bishops of the Left will do it to curry favor with Bergoglio.
4) Even Pope Benedict will likely participate, as it would be a display of unity with the entire Church.
Therefore, Russia is consecrated by the pope, in Union with all the bishops of the world.
In short, the devil’s agents are being tricked into doing the right thing.
As I have previously written, this is an age of New Knights, real men who must seize this moment in history and answer what is now OBVIOUSLY the call of The Mother of God to lead all our families and by extension parishes and regions to party for The Holy Father’s intentions and this consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart. My friend David Rodriguez of The Fatima Center has the most thorough rundown and history of this event, in real time updated, that I have seen, read the whole thing here. Here’s a snippet.
I, for one, believe that if the Consecration is done correctly, then Our Lady’s promises will be fulfilled quickly. Why? Because as regards the Message of Fatima this has been the historic pattern. Consider just the following points.
On May 5, 1917, Pope Benedict XV wrote a letter to Our Lady. He requested Her help because World War One was destroying the world and his negotiations were fruitless. He called on her as Queen of Peace and added this invocation to the Litany of Loreto. One week later, Our Lady appeared at Fatima on May 13, 1917. In Her message, She promised the war would end soon and indeed it did. Our Lady responded quickly.
On February 11, 1929, Pius XI signed the Lateran Treaty, and it took effect on July 7, 1929. By this act, the Pope accepted that he had no temporal sovereignty in the world (outside the tiny Vatican City State). Yet, this is incompatible with the Social Kingship of Christ and the truth that the Pope is His Vicar on earth. It was about three weeks prior to this submission to earthly powers taking effect, on June 13, 1929, when Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucia at Tuy and said, “NOW is the time for the Consecration of Russia.” By such a consecration, the Pope must publicly (albeit implicitly) acknowledge that he has authority over Russia (and thus every other nation on earth as well). Again, Our Lady responded quickly.
On October 31, 1942, Pius XII consecrated the world. Within two weeks, the Allies scored their first major victory of World War Two (Second Battle of El Alamein) and kept Hitler’s armies from controlling crucial oil fields. Important victories followed, and even Winston Churchill remarked that it seemed that ‘the wheels of destiny’ had turned in their favor. Again, Our Lady responded quickly.
When we finally obey Our Lady and God, then I believe the promised graces (those three listed above, in an earlier section) will flow into the world without much delay.
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux had one of the most thorough and tender devotions to Our Lady ever. Here Ribaldi depicts him being consoled by Our Lord. This is an actual image of a knight, being received by his King.
Burn it into your mind, gentlemen, Knights. It’s the 9th inning and you are in the on-deck circle.
Pray i.e. “swing” for the fences. The world is watching and so is it’s Creator.
For a long time now, I've acknowledged that we are in the middle of a spiritual battle between good and evil. While it's easy to see the attacks from the evil side of things, it's not so easy to see the good, true, and beautify response. We all know how this ends: Her Immaculate Heart Will Triumph, but it was difficult to find tangible evidence pointing to that victory. Thank goodness for our faith.
Now, in the blink of an eye, The Mother of God has made her appearance and in the most profound way. The Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as it is now being organized, will be the most monumental event in our lifetimes, perhaps in generations. I firmly believe that Catholics worldwide prayed that the Consecration be done according to Her request when the Vatican first announced the Pope's intentions. Even if they only prayed for "The Holy Father's Intentions", which Catholics should do everyday, for the last few days, they've prayed that the Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary be done correctly and now it looks like it will be. I hope that when it's completed She starts by crushing some heads, with one head in particular.
Communism has already fallen. Russia and Ukraine are Christian countries. The consecration has been done. Maybe Pope should consecrate the whole world to Mary.
Anyway its a wonderful peace movement.