It's Holy Week And We Shouldn't Run From Our Lord... Or Trump
Yes, they are currently, historically, related...
On Friday last, I took 90 minutes to make this piece of art on a sketch tablet and in photoshop. I made the mistake of briefly returning to Pridebook and published it there… and fake “conservative” chaos ensued.

So, in response to the above which goes on for delirious pages, I published this response on my Pridebook page.
For those doing battle over the state of y/t's "conservative" bona fides & the allegation that my ALLEGED betrayal of your secular "conservatism" is what got me sacked from SiriusXM, I'll give you...
1. There is NO conservatism that does not include the practice of The Catholic Church's Social & Moral doctrines.
2. I live and broadcast in the real world (the one where men are men and Dylan Mulvaney isn't a woman) that is occupied by the most persecuted, by diabolical entities, man, i.e. Donal Trump, of our era, hell of my adult life. He's not perfect and I pray daily for his conversion to The Faith but his enemies are my enemies and for that I happily war with him.
BTW - this same imperfect human is directly responsible for the repeal of Roe via the Dobbs decision, who knows how many human lives have already been spared by that one signal act. Where's your gratitude?
Yeah. I admire, respect and will vote for the wholly imperfect Donald John Trump.
The CRUSADE Channel will be airing Trump’s address to the “People of America” tomorrow eveing at 7:00pm central, you can listen to it and all Trump events, as they happen, here.
It is beyond me why anyone claiming to wish to “conserve” ‘Muricah has to proclaim themselves enemies of Obi Don Kenobi!/ He is the only person to achieve a high office that is currently, per William F Buckley,
“Standing Athwart The Rise of The AI/Pedo/Sex Cult of Death, yelling ‘STOP!!’”
And tomorrow, on Tuesday in Holy Week, an innocent leader of his people will be “perp walked” on international television for the world to see. Is this a Holy Week coincidence?
No, it is not.
Am I claiming that Trump is a messiah? Please, hit the unsubscribe button now, the answer would shock your shallow intellect. Am I stating that as a historical event/person, he is one who stands against “the Prince of this world…[and] dominations… principalities and powers….[and] spirits of wickedness in high places”, who, manifesting themselves in the form of The Deep State and WEF et al, who have declared war on the human race?
Yes, I am.
Warts, bruises, bad hairdo, ginormous ego and all. And for the record, I don’t believe in coincidences and the timing of this isn’t one. I have also been on the record for a decade now that the Paraclete does not ask for volunteers in his Holy work; he instead employs they that can reach millions of souls who never suspect His Holy messages are embedded in secular things they love. (I promise to write a detailed account of this but as a well-known example, the noted atheist and Christ denier, film director Ridley Scott, performed admirably for the Holy Ghost in his last Aliens sequel, appropriately titled “Covenant”. Watch the dialogue between Michael Fassbender’s characters near the end for a complete refutation of Darwin’s evolution “theory”!)
Tomorrow Obi Don Kenobi will volunteer himself up in a valid court of law and answer to crimes he did not commit. His accusers are going to have crowds yelling, figuratively speaking, “crucify him… crucify him”. There is no Barrabas to be offered in his stead. Unlike Our Lord, he will not be silent and will answer his accusers and insist on his innocence. His enemies will swoon with pride at the site of the mugshot and video of the booking that will inevitably be leaked.

I believe that pride will be their undoing because in their lust to “Get Trump” which as Marjorie Taylor Green has so wonderfully explained:
You have to understand, they’re not just coming after President Trump. They’re coming after you. And President Trump is just the only one standing in their way.
She’s absolutely correct (and I pray fro MGT’s return to the Faith, see here). They are coming after us and have been since Eden; but most recently, since Appomattox (time to Make the confederAcy Great Again!); Jekyll Island; Kennedy; The Warren Court; Carter; Madonna; Clinton; 9-11; Bush/Darth Cheney; Obama-ALL of his 8 years; The CoronaDoom™ and The Biden Regime. I take some solace that in this reality and among us men, we have Obi Don Kenobi in our corner on most fronts and during this Holy Week, we recall He who is in our corner on all righteous quests at all times and what he endured on our behalf.
Prepare to endure some of that as He promised His followers would and let us pray that Obi Don Kenobi is someday soon among them.
Our Lady of America, ora pro nobis!
Were you on the Tucker Carlson show the other Night? It says so on your twitter feed?
Sorry but agree to both sides. The is political abuse of the judicial system. Also tend to agree with the negative comments, trump maybe conservative but he is not the saviour. He set up J6 then went ghost like when all of the victims (the attendees got arrested). The low bro pile on de santis by trump supports doesn’t seem just. Trump went after de santis bc he is the strongest competition.