Infanticide Pimps Are RELYING On Our "Meekness", We Must Show Them That Term Doesn't Mean "Surrender"
The demonic hordes seem to think we will sheepishly bow to their new fetish of judiciary ordered abortions, we won't
Elizabeth Warren has spilled the beans and confirmed what you and I already knew: the “left” aren’t “politicians” or “activists” at all, they are foot soldiers of Moloch, here to assist in the harvesting of souls for Satan. Watch…
These are not the words of a “loyal opposition”, these are the words of Juliette The Apostate “renounce your ‘God’ and bow to ours or suffer the death!”.
Not gonna happen.
For 49 years our parents, grandparents and then us, played by their rigged rules, believing that once the evil that was Roe was vanquished, the skies would begin to clear, God’s chastisement somewhat mollified and “peace” in women’s wombs would begin to be restored. Bollocks. They are now openly declaring war upon the soon to be born and their defenders and we must be prepared for Schumer’s “whirlwind” and meet it this time with equal fury.
Right about now most of you are saying “but…but…but the MEEK shall inherit the earth…but…but…turn the other cheek…but…but…’strike no man in anger’, Mitter Chur!” Sure, when the misguided, purple haired, 270 pound harlot comes barreling down on you while praying outside an abortuarium or “marching for life”. But what the clients of Moloch are now doing is assailing Justice itself and seeking to lay waste to it, then rule over its smoldering remains. They concurrently rely upon our historic embrace of “peaceful…Christian” opposition to the holocaust that “legalized” abortion is. Going forward, those are now maternal acts, well suited to the nursery and hearth but not the war for Salvation. If we are to escape the much ballyhooed “post-Christianity” world, the cowards in our camp insist we must all live in and for, then the violence that is abortion, is a genocide, that must be brought to an end.
Many thought, mistakenly, that bringing an end to Roe would bring an end to genocidal abortion but that, as we have now seen, is a gross underestimation of the enemy. The enemy have already achieved judicial victories for Satan’s Death Cult in Arizona and Kentucky (Louisiana is still being sued to have our “trigger” bans overturned) while governors in every “Blue state” and now North Carolina have acted to protect the slaughter’s legal protections. We will be told “moderate conservatives” that we must “let the judicial process work itself out” or to go to the polls in November…. “because elections have consequences”. What this line of reasoning boils down to is basically, prepare to accept another 49 years of legalized abortion but don’t worry! after the next semi-century of killing “our kids are gonna get it right!” Ha! These same anxiety and psychotropic drug-addled kids can’t survive 5 minutes in a crowded supermarket line and can’t navigate using a paper map. Hope springs infernal.
Meanwhile, the moderate elites of Conservatism Inc. will also use this conflict to continue their grift of tens of millions because they want “peace” (nay, they really only crave profits). But wait. The enemy wants “peace” too, just not “peace” as you and I understand it but Saint Augustine certainly did.
Whoever gives even moderate attention to human affairs and to our common nature, will recognise that if there is no man who does not wish to be joyful, neither is there any one who does not wish to have peace. For even they who make war desire nothing but victory,—desire, that is to say, to attain to peace with glory. For what else is victory than the conquest of those who resist us? and when this is done there is peace. It is therefore with the desire for peace that wars are waged, even by those who take pleasure in exercising their warlike nature in command and battle. And hence it is obvious that peace is the end sought for by war. For every man seeks peace by waging war, but no man seeks war by making peace. For even they who intentionally interrupt the peace in which they are living have no hatred of peace, but only wish it changed into a peace that suits them better. They do not, therefore, wish to have no peace, but only one more to their mind.

To be blunt, the enemy is not preparing for war, the enemy has been waging it against a pacifist enemy for 50 years. The enemy believes that this “peace” we supposedly enjoyed and the Christian grace that animated it will continue alongside the killing. But the game has now changed and the enemy has now told the peaceful that there is no victory we can ever obtain that will drive them from this battlefield. What does this mean? It means that the enemy now accepts no ROE (rules of engagement), instead it favors making them up as they go along while ignoring any previous rules they may have played by. Ultimately this is a wholesale rejection of Authority in favor of an embrace of raw, political and legal power. We must understand this in order to fight it. There is a vast difference between authority and power especially in an era of time when war is being waged against tens of millions of the most innocent and defenseless human beings. Power enables this because it is a raw accident of humanity. Authority can regulate and even completely end this abuse of power because power owes its existence to authority. Nathan Duffy, exploring the work of Italian philosopher Augsto del Nocce, explains.
The nature of authority is interior self-mastery, self-evident to inferiors which is naturally recognized and submitted to. This superiority-inferiority dyad is natural in the parent-child relationship, and is reflected in the realms of church, education, and government in traditional societies. Hierarchy develops naturally out of the natural fact of inferiority and superiority. Power, on the other hand, is essentially the wielding or application of exterior physical force. Authority can justly wield power, but nothing else can. And the crisis of authority in the modern world is precisely that those who wield power in our society have no authority, having severed its metaphysical basis:
[T]he confusion between authority and power arises whenever the idea of authority is not linked to the primacy of being over becoming and, as a consequence, the super-human foundation of authority is not taken into account. [- Augusto del Nocce]
Whether it is the confusion of authority for power, the eschaton for utopia, freedom for repression, or being for becoming, a singular pattern emerges. Del Noce sees the theological analog (and one source) in “death of God” theology, which was both an engine for, and post facto justification of, secularization. This theology re-interprets the Gospels as the last act in an historical movement from the transcendent, patriarchal, authoritarian Father, through Christ, to the Spirit of God being dispersed into individuals and history, liquidating all transcendence from reality.
This is where we are and this is why our battle plan must change, NOW. They have “liquidated” Christ from all public affairs, fine, accept it and stop believing this can be undone at ballot boxes. It can’t and it won’t be. So, what to do? We must separate from their spheres of governmental power, then claim our own under the authority of His Kingship then define the rules of engagement i.e. re-establish law and order where law pursues the true, common good. Yes, this is a radical departure from 70 years of trying to “stand athwart history and yell ‘STOP!’” and expecting this to yield victories. Men of North America, we must take up this challenge and swiftly move into action. Enough is enough. This is who the enemy parades about for what I say is for their sick entertainment knowing what outrage it would inspire in us and that’s their point. Watch:

30 years ago this was a Monty Python skit, today it is the powerful “reality” of human-orcs who get paid small fortunes to teach this to ‘Muricah’s children.
Ms. Bridges was asked to “testify” (an oxymoron in this case) in front of that most august of bodies, The United States Senate. It would have at least been popcorn worthy if Senate Demoncrats had invited John Cleese and Eric Idle. Seriously. The enemy’s contempt of all that western civilization once was, is so profound that we can seriously expect them to start inviting clowns in small cars with seltzer bottles to squirt at Senator Hawley and call it “testimony”. It’s an infantile farce whose deadly aim is to bring about an end to infants. With this now clinical detachment from reality, who they kill, maim or ruin in their very UNQuixotic quest is no more important than the weapons chosen to do so.
At the dawn of the First CRUSADE, Saint Bernard of Clairvaux wrote to Hugh de Payens.
What then? If it is never permissible for a Christian to strike with the sword, why did the Savior’s precursor bid the soldiers to be content with their pay, and not rather forbid them to follow this calling?
I do not mean to say that the pagans are to be slaughtered when there is any other way to prevent them from harassing and persecuting the faithful, but only that it now seems better to destroy them than that the rod of sinners be lifted over the lot of the just, and the righteous perhaps put forth their hands unto iniquity.
The knight of Christ, I say, may strike with confidence and die yet more confidently, for he serves Christ when he strikes, and serves himself when he falls. Neither does he bear the sword in vain, for he is God's minister, for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of the good. If he kills an evildoer, he is not a mankiller, but, if I may so put it, a killer of evil. He is evidently the avenger of Christ towards evildoers and he is rightly considered a defender of Christians. Should he be killed himself, we know that he has not perished, but has come safely into port. When he inflicts death it is to Christ's profit, and when he suffers death, it is for his own gain. The Christian glories in the death of the pagan, because Christ is glorified; while the death of the Christian gives occasion for the King to show his liberality in the rewarding of his knight.
BTW Saint Bernard would be talking about people that wrote, thought then ACTED upon statements like this from the no-esteemed Dr., Bridges.

I betcha this hag has a pet sloth she believes is a raccoon that’s had 2 “transitioning” surgeries. Let’s end where we begin, with Elizabeth Warren’s campaign against all infant life and those who wish to nurture it:

Someday soon, we can pray, we’ll no longer need these “crisis centers” and the Warren’s, Bridges and Biden’s who lead them will exist only in letters exchanged between “Dear Nephew” and “Uncle Screwtape”.
Evil feeds on evil, it will never be satiated.
Doc Holliday: A man like Ringo has got a great big hole, right in the middle of him. He can never kill enough, or steal enough, or inflict enough pain to ever fill it.
Wyatt Earp: What does he need?
Doc Holliday: Revenge.
Wyatt Earp: For what?
Doc Holliday: Bein' born.