The New Christendom Daily
The Mike Church Show
Here's How We Know The Deep State Is Planning A War

Here's How We Know The Deep State Is Planning A War

The Mike Church Show # 1997

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Attempted Assassinations & Rhetoric

  • Let’s define who the enemy is first.

  • Why would they become enemies?

  • If you want to take the country into a different direction, you are the enemy.

  • The Democrats and Liberals own almost everything in this country.

  • Outside of the state houses and the little control local municipalities have, they control all levels of power.

  • This is THEIR creature.

  • Lets go back in time -

  • Lets go down the list here -

  • Senator Rand Paul is stabbed in his driveway. He and his wife were also assaulted on the streets on the night of Trump nomination. They were surrounded by a mob that night.

  • Supreme Court Justice Bret Kavanaugh had people trying to get into their home and many more just hanging out on their lawn.

  • Senator Steve Scalise is shot on a baseball field during the Congressional baseball teams practice. He almost died from that shot. He was in the hospital for a very long time.

  • Tucker Carlson, his wife called him telling him people were trying to break into their home screaming they were going to kill Tucker.

  • That brings us to Thomas Matthew Crooks attempting to kill Donald Trump in Butler PA.

  • Now to present day, Ryan Routh attempts to shoot and/or kill Donald Trump in Florida.

Thus ends the PREVIEW Audio | Transcript | Links to All Media from Today’s Mike Church Show. To get the entire 3 Hour Radio Show, Transcript and links to everything Mike Discussed, delivered to your email box, use the SUBSCRIBE NOW Button Below! 


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