Colorado Becomes The New, New Tenochtitlan Making Human Sacrifice Legal
Governor Polis Signs Bill That Foretells The Demonic Rage That Will Happen After Roe Is Overturned.

Gov. Jared Polis signed into law the Reproductive Health Equity Act, which passed the Democratic-led Legislature after dozens of hours of testimony by residents and fierce opposition by minority Republicans. The law guarantees access to reproductive care before and after pregnancy and bans local governments from imposing their own restrictions.
It also declares that fertilized eggs, embryos and fetuses have no independent rights. That's a response to failed ballot initiatives that sought to restrict abortion by giving embryos the rights of born humans. In 2014, voters rejected a proposal to add unborn human beings to the state’s criminal code, allowing prosecutors to charge anyone who kills a fetus with a crime.
“Colorado has been, is and will be a pro-choice state,” Polis said, calling increasing abortion restrictions elsewhere “an enormous government overreach, an enormous government infringement” of individual rights. “No matter what the Supreme Court does in the future, people in Colorado will be able to choose when and if they have children.”
TRANSLATION: Human sacrifice dressed up in the most heinous of all oxymorons man hath ever created, “reproductive health equity”, is now legal. I wonder if Hernan Cortes and his Conquistador companion, Bernal Castillo would describe the scene inside Colorado’s “Planned Parenthood” clinics “on any given Sunday” any different and with any less horror than they described the subject of Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto film: Tenochtitlan.
If they attacked us in a body, and from all sides at once, not one of us could escape. Not till then were the great sacrifices to be instituted, as well in honour of the warrior-god Huitzilopochtli, who had given the oracle, as in that of the god of hell, Tetzcatlipuca. Our legs, thighs, and arms were to be eaten at their feast, and our entrails, with the remaining part of our bodies, were to be thrown to the serpents and tigers. On the left hand stood another figure of the same size as Huitzilopochtli. Its face was very much like that of a bear, its shining eyes were made of tetzcat, the looking-glass of the country. This idol, like its brother Huitzilopochtli, was completely covered with precious stones, and was called Tetscatlipuca. This was the god of hell, and the souls of the dead Mexicans stood under him. A circle of figures wound round its body, resembling diminutive devils with serpents' tails. The walls and floor around this idol were also besmeared with blood... Five human hearts had that day been sacrificed to him… In this place was kept a drum of enormous dimensions, the tone of which, when struck, was so deep and melancholy that it has very justly been denominated the drum of hell. The drumskin was made out of that of an enormous serpent ; its sound could be heard at a distance of more than eight miles. This platform was altogether covered with a variety of hellish objects, large and small trumpets, huge slaughtering knives, and burnt hearts of Indians who had been sacrificed: everything clotted with coagulated blood, cursed to the sight, and creating horror in the mind.
Besides all this, the stench was everywhere so abominable that we scarcely knew how soon to get away from this spot of horrors. Our commander here said, smilingly, to Motecusuma: “I cannot imagine that such a powerful and wise monarch as you are, should not have yourself discovered by this time that these idols are not divinities, but evil spirits, called devils. In order that you may be convinced of this, and that your papas may satisfy themselves of this truth, allow me to erect a cross on the summit of this temple; and, in the chapel, where stand your Huitzilopochtli and Tetzcatlipuca, give us a small space that I may place there the image of the holy Virgin ; then you will see what terror will seize these idols by which you have been so long deluded.” - Journal of Conquistador Bernal del Diaz Castillo Concerning Hernan Cortes
Is it a coincidence that in the days immediately following Russia’s Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, (“the holy Virgin”, above), there has been a surge in Satanic, “legal” acts (these are acts against Justice and therefore not “legal”) including Regime Leader Biden’s new declaration that your children “must be affirmed” in their gender dysphoria or else.
For those who believe that elections still provide us with a tool to undo these evils and “restore the Constitution” (whatever the Hades that can still mean) I point to Colorado, New Tenochtitlan (New York), California, Washington, Oregon and Illinois, the new citadels for human sacrifice and ask a simple question: how can Men of Christ be in any union that includes these Satanic vassal states?
Since the Consecration the pedo-groomer deceit of Disney and its acolytes has been revealed. Yes. Disney is a front for pedo-grooming the world’s children. But even that reveal doesn’t fully expose the terrifying evil that is at work, nay, in near complete control of all levels of government, education and digital industry (yes, its actually an industry now).

Worst of all, in far too many (N.B. 0.0 +1 is unacceptable!) Catholic institutions this evil does its most effective work, “grooming” at least 2 if not more generations of pederasts to the priesthood and emoluments beyond; effectively neutering the Church’s existential role in Human Events in officially opposing this evil and all that it manifests itself in.
The evil is raging, gentlemen and it is pissed off at the graces Russia and the world received by Pope Francis’s Consecration act of 25 March. It is livid that Sacred, Holy Week Triduum’s will defy the attempt to crush them, across the world in the holy language of Latin. It is livid that millions of men and women of good will are revolting against the charms of the satanic, digital hell they’ve helped created here on earth and have returned to the land and more stunningly, to the Sacred Traditions of The Faith, life with that land helps promote.
But most of all, it is livid that more women every day are choosing continence over promiscuity and life over selfish infanticide. It is raging with the fires of Hell itself that it has seen and forever lost the beatific vision but the precious children who escape execution in the new Colorado infant killing fields, have a chance at that vision.
That’d piss you off too.
There are 12 days remaining in Lent including Holy Week. Prepare to raise your weapons, don your armor, mount your steed and be called into the service of the Xth CRUSADE.
For God.
For Family.
For Country. Your country, my fellow kings.