The New Christendom Daily
The Mike Church Show
America On The Brink Of A Cataclysm? Potential For Violence & Chaos Looming

America On The Brink Of A Cataclysm? Potential For Violence & Chaos Looming

The Mike Church Show Episode 1948


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First Presidential Debate

HEADLINE: America On The Brink of a Cataclysm? July 11th Potential for Violence & Chaos Looms Large by David Thomas Roberts

  • There are dates that live in infamy in American history that have forever altered the political, economic, cultural and spiritual lives of Americans then – and in the future. December 7th, 1941, and September 11th, 2001, are two such dates. 

  • Will July 11th, 2024, be another transformational day in American history? 

  • Americans should be very concerned about the convergence of unique and corrupt forces that threaten our Republic like dark clouds that are forming for that “perfect storm”. Although these developing circumstances are unique to the USA, we have seen these Banana Republic scenarios played out in other countries throughout history – and they don’t end well. The signs are all there, hiding in plain sight, yet most of American media is purposely ignoring them and the public has yet to grasp the potential severity of the calamity that may beset us all on July 11th.

  • How do you protect the public from a supposed law breaking predator?

  • That is what the left is calling Trump.

  • You would have to take him out right?

  • Take him off the streets so he can do no more harm.

  • I don’t think Roberts is wrong here and I don’t think the left has thought this all the way through.

  • The left is hoping one of us lead some sort of rebellion.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Tulsi Gabbard - Martial Law & No Elections During Wartime - Ukraine’s “democracy” in action. Since our government is taking billions from our pockets to “protect democracy,” shouldn’t the country we are supposedly protecting (while destroying it) actually be a democracy?

Who Is Running The County?

  • It is beyond comprehension that one man can be behind all this deceit.

  • They took Biden out of play last Thursday, Friday morning he left for Camp David.

  • He has been missing from the White House since then.

  • He is going to be gone for 8 days.

  • How is he serving the people when he isn’t running the country for 8 days?

Thus ends the PREVIEW Audio|Transcript|Links to All Media from Today’s Mike Church Show. To get the entire 3 Hour Radio Show, Transcript and links to everything Mike Discussed, delivered to your email box, use the SUBSCRIBE NOW Button Below! 

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